Bristol Street 2006 GRAND FINAL - Sat. Dec 16th - 2pm

A year has passed since "stpboy" Shannon did the impossible. Winning the wildcard tournment was his only way into the Finals and from there he defeated 2006 Player of the Year contender, "8Ball" Tye to become the Bristol Street 2005 GRAND CHAMPION.

The time has finally come to Crown another..
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Saturday, Dec 16th - 2:00pm
(doors open at 1:30pm)

$50 Freeze-out - 18 Player Invitational

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - 50%
2nd place - 30%
3rd place - 20%

(names in bold are confirmed to be there)

"8Ball" Tye - (BSC XXII, XXVII Champion)
"Johnnie H" Johnnie H - (BSC XXIII Champion)
"moose" Rob - (BSC XXVI, XVIII, XXIX Champion)
"Metro" Tom - (Jour de Poker 4 Champion)
"nordique" Kevin (2006 Legend of Bristol Street)
"Zithal" Rob L - (H.O.R.S.E. I Champion)
"peteski" Pete (BSC XXX Champion)
"Westside" Wes (101 PoY points)
"Flint Bones" Andrew (99 PoY points)
"Ranger" Mike (96 PoY points)
"Dirty Whore" Mark (91 PoY points)
"SirWatts" Mike (90 PoY points)
"PokerQueen" Mandy (85 PoY points)
"diddy" Paul (76
PoY points)
"2BULLETS" Jeremy (75
PoY points)
"The Prophet22" Brent (74 PoY points)
"Oragami" Jonathan (73
PoY points)
"g2" Greg (Wildcard Champion)

Next two in line:
(in the case of last minute cancellations)

"beanie42" Trevor - 67
"Ionstorm" Ian - 66
"Shopsy" Jeff S - 65
"compuease" Jeff - 65

(thanks for a GREAT year!!)

"WPT" Steve - (Omaha Open I Champion)
"Bluffy" Jeff B - (BSC XXIV Champion)
"Fallen Angel" Gow (89 PoY points)
"stpboy" Shannon - (2005 Champion, 2006 Heads-up Champion)
"Ignance" Jon - (BSC XXV Champion)
"King Mob" Dave (91 PoY points)

Starting Chips: 10,000
Blind Levels: 30 minutes
Competitors, please confirm your attendance below. Players must confirm no later than Dec 11 at 11:59pm EST. UPDATE (Dec 10th): Due to the lateness of the HU tournament ending, I'll be contacting people personally to confirm their attendance.

Live tournament updates will be made throughout the day, or you're welcome to stop by and watch the action or play in side games.
Who will become the 2006 GRAND CHAMPION???


  • Blind Schedule

    2:00-2:30 25-25
    2:30-3:00 25-50
    3:00-3:30 50-100

    3:30-3:45 BREAK

    3:45-4:15 75-150
    4:15-4:45 100-200
    4:45-5:15 100-200 (25)

    5:15-6:15 DINNER BREAK

    6:15-6:45 150-300 (50)
    6:45-7:15 200-400 (50)
    7:15-7:45 300-600 (75)

    7:45-8:00 BREAK - COLOUR OUT -25- CHIPS

    8:00-8:30 400-800 (100)
    8:30-9:00 500-1,000 (100)
    9:00-9:30 600-1,200 (200)

    9:30-9:45 BREAK

    9:30-10:00 800-1,600 (200)
    10:00-10:30 1,000-2,000 (300)
    10:30-11:00 1,200-2,400 (400) (*quick break to colour out -100- chips)
    11:00-11:30 1,500-3,000 (500)
    11:30-??:?? 2,000-4,000 (500) <<CAPPED>>
  • Confirmed.
  • I'll be there to defend my title.

  • In

    now I add gobbleygook because the new site doesn't like short messages

  • In. Confirmed. Here. Present. (and all that!)

  • Rob,

    I remember "Nordique" Kevin mentioned he was having computer trouble when I bumped into him on the bus awhile back, so I'm not sure if he'll see this. Just a heads up for his situation.
  • Rats. The work Christmas party is the same day the 16th and I have to be buffed and polished and ready for 6:30 PM. I will have to pass on the 2006 Championship.

    Well there is always 2007!
  • My work Christmas party is also that night, can we start earlier?

  • i would like to play in this tournie

    jamie millar
  • This event is our Invitation only finals for 2006. You have two more opportinities to get an invite.

    The final Bristol Street Classic of the year will likely be on Dec 6th, and a wildcard tournament will be played on Dec 13th to fill the final spot.
    jamier76 wrote: »
    i would like to play in this tournie

    jamie millar
  • Hey Rob, I can make the Grand Final so mark me down.
  • We're starting at Noon now, right? Not 2PM?

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    We're starting at Noon now, right? Not 2PM?


    I'm on a fence on this one. I pushed back to noon to accomidate Shannon's work party in the evening, but I don't think it'll make that big of a difference as I'm guessing the tournament could run 9 hours.

    Shannon.. would pushing back to noon actually allow you to participate? I'll make a final decision on this on Monday once I hear from Mr. Stp. :)

    To everyone else, I'll have the final updated points counts this evening and start taking confirmation from people who are earning entry into the finals based on points.
  • My work party starts at 6pm so a noon start won't do much for me to be honest. I really wish this could be another day (the day before perhaps) because I would hate to not be involved.

  • Confirmed.
  • can anyone play in the wildcard?
  • TNORTH wrote: »
    can anyone play in the wildcard?

    You want two seats metro?
  • I'll update the other threads with the official points counts tomorrow morning, but I've done the prelim work and have posted the names of the people that have earned their way in via Player of the Year points. Please confirm as soon as possible and I'll start contacting people tomorrow.

    The wild card tournament, (will be announced tomorrow) is only for people that don't make it into the finals. If you're close to making it, please feel free to sign up and we'll adjust accordingly.
  • Rob, (EDIT: please) sign me up for this Wildcard tourny whenever it is.
    I am sooo there.
  • I'm in.

  • Woo Hoo!!!!!

    I am in!
  • haddon wrote: »
    You want two seats metro?

    Not two seats - just the prize money.
  • Since pushing back to noon won't help Shannon, I'm going to leave it at 2pm, because that works out much better.

    I'd also hate to see you in and forced to play recklessly just before you had to leave. It's not fair to you, or to someone else who could play that day.

    I'm going to leave your name on the list until I hear positive confirmation that you can't make it.

    Unforunately, I can't change the date at this point. :(
    stpboy wrote: »
    My work party starts at 6pm so a noon start won't do much for me to be honest. I really wish this could be another day (the day before perhaps) because I would hate to not be involved.

  • Also...

    The blind schedule has now been posted. Please see the first page for estimated times for everything.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Since pushing back to noon won't help Shannon, I'm going to leave it at 2pm, because that works out much better.

    Unforunately, I can't change the date at this point. :(

    :( That makes me sad. If I wasn't going with my new girl I'd so be there. Don't take me off the list just yet though, I may blind myself out for the dinner portion/break part of the tournament.

  • I love the cap at 2,000-4,000 (500), Rob!

    Shannon, I hope your plans work out, bro. It won't be the same without you.

  • rob can you confirm me to the tourney thanks nordique also is it at 12 or 2 start time ?
  • nordique wrote: »
    rob can you confirm me to the tourney thanks nordique also is it at 12 or 2 start time ?

    It's back to 2pm, Kevin.

    Glad to see your internet is up and running again.

  • Hey Rob,

    In the event that two people ahead of me can't make it then I would like to play. I have an exam until 3, but can be there shortly after that.

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