Igor Takes the Title!

It's been a while since we saw Igor The Mad Russian at the game, but tonight he came back in force to take the game.

Igor cripples Chris in one hand, and with almost nothing left, pushes with 74o. Igor holds 107 and calls, only to out kick Chris on the river. Great game Igor.

Joe takes down third place tonight. I'll have to ask the players to discuss the vital hands in more depth, as I was quite involved in a little side game of my own with Aimee ;)

Tonights CHUMP was Aimee. Oh well, she gets to drive the new truck!!

Great game tonight everyone. I will post the notice for the next game soon, but I am NOT sure if I can send out the reminder at all as I will be out of town for a few days. Chris, if you can do that, I would appreciate it.

See everyone next week.


  • The critical hand for me was three handed Chris was short stacked (if I wanted 2nd I should have just folded). I'm sitting with 10 10 and count out some chips, look at Igor and say ALL IN. He looks back and says I'm tired of you pushing me around I call. He was a huge chip leader and in the BB to my SB. He had K 10 offsuit. He spiked a K on the turn and I couldn't find the one outter to help. It was a good game. I only got called 3 times on all ins I believe and was ahead each time. The first time hurt since it left me short when my 2 pair got rivered to an inside straight draw.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    The critical hand for me was three handed Chris was short stacked (if I wanted 2nd I should have just folded). I'm sitting with 10 10 and count out some chips, look at Igor and say ALL IN. He looks back and says I'm tired of you pushing me around I call. He was a huge chip leader and in the BB to my SB. He had K 10 offsuit. He spiked a K on the turn and I couldn't find the one outter to help. It was a good game. I only got called 3 times on all ins I believe and was ahead each time. The first time hurt since it left me short when my 2 pair got rivered to an inside straight draw.

    That was a critical hand for me too :D

    Good game overall last night. It was good to see a new face and a few that haven't been around in a while.

    Mike I really did have pocket 9's when I said to you on my all-in "If you call I'll show you, if you fold I'll tell you." Also that was kind of a bad beat against your Aces, but there was no way I put you on that hand. Also with the board the way it was (6, 7, 8 ) and me holding a 5-6 there was no way I would fold.

    Good game again.
  • I never did doubt that you had a hand on the all in "I'll show you hand". I only had ace rag. The last hand I had to give you some room, if I had any hope of seeing action, which is what I needed since I was the short stack and with pocket aces. Didn't see an opportunity like that coming along again. Some say (Lou of pnl) that I am an emmotional player and that they might get in the way. Hope you think differently. It was a great game and I had fun. Thanks to all. But......Chris ----minor rant
    I havent slept all night 5 on the river to suck me out .. against my pocket aces...you bastard...lol
  • I never did doubt that you had a hand on the all in "I'll show you hand". I only had ace rag. The last hand I had to give you some room, if I had any hope of seeing action, which is what I needed since I was the short stack and with pocket aces. Didn't see an opportunity like that coming along again. Some say (Lou of pnl) that I am an emmotional player and that they might get in the way. Hope you think differently. It was a great game and I had fun. Thanks to all. But......Chris ----minor rant
    I havent slept all night 5 on the river to suck me out .. against my pocket aces...you bastard...lol

    Well I wanted a 4 or a 9 I was pretty surprised by the 5.

    I tired to warn you earlier....I AM A DONK!!!!!
  • Congrats Igor! Glad to see you used my chips wisely and won with them.

    Nice to meet you Mike...hope you had a good time last night, despite the bad beat with the Aces :/
  • Congrats Igor!!!!, dont spend all my money in one place.... Good game , you played well the whole night. I must say I was hoping to go heads up against you, maybe next time.. if the donk dosn't suck out on me again.. lol....Again I had a great time and it was nice to meet all of you..looking forward to the next game I am able to make..Thanks -

  • ohh P.S.

    how much longer did the game last after I was knocked out?
  • ohh P.S.

    how much longer did the game last after I was knocked out?

    The game finished about 11:30 (well I was home around that time).
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    The game finished about 11:30 (well I was home around that time).

    Not used to staying up so late Chris? Would busting out earlier make you feel better?

    At Ching Hill...we aim to please!! Next week, Chris is CHUMP...unless Justin gets short stacked early again.
  • Chris Can Chump or Justin...... I'm planning on exacting some revenge on Poor Igor for the K10 to my 10 10. Next week I will move up the ladder to win it. I got to slowly get my groove back from on line play.
  • IS there no game list for game #6 .. I am in.. But as usual my nick and password do not work for the rsvp thingie .. imagine that
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