Saturday Nov 18 KW area - Low-limit SnGs


Looks like nothing is happening yet this Saturday, so I'd be willing to host out here in Elmira (I'm only 5 minutes north of Waterloo).

I'm thinking a $15 SnG (or multi-table tourney if more than 10). 20 min blinds.
After that, maybe a $5 REBUY SnG? 15 min levels...rebuy for the first 4 levels?
All rake-free of course!

Please reply to this thread if interested, and mention whether you'd prefer to start at 2:00pm or 7:00pm.

If we get enough interest (7+), I'll post more details (starting stacks, blinds, payouts, etc...they will be pretty standard).

Ranger Mike

P.S. If people are interested we could watch a movie in the theatre after poker. I also have pool and arcade games available for the early bust-outs, or hockey on the big screen.


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