what happened to???

Hey everyone, what happened to all the guelph players?!!
i've been trying to get a game going for the past month or so, and have consistantly got like 4 players, but alas...very few from here...
so come on guelph players..where are you?
i've got a wicked poker room that is just going to waste!!!!!!
help me out guelph!!!


  • I guess I posted that I was back living in Guelph, and looking to play here, so everyone ran screaming with their wallets clutched to their chests

    Seems like the only LOGICAL explanation.

  • god know's that's what I did mark!! i also told people that we would be comparing comic book collections, and possiably doing a star wars / LOTR marithon all happening during the tourney...so i mean..that could also have had something to do with it!!

    maybe i should start posting a week in advance....who knows!

    game..uhh..next week? sunday?! who's in!!??
  • I heard it was cuz Quiane is a bad host but you didn't hear that from me
  • As soon as I have a free Sunday I'm there...just bad timing is all
  • Hey I'm From Guelph... I just Got On This Site A week or so ago....Whereabouts are these games 'supposed' to happen?
  • Busy Busy Busy man, first time I'm free i'm in

    I know for jay and I tuesday we play bball.

    When I have a free weekend I'm down


    Gone home this weekend to ottawa this weekend, so I'm a no go for this weekend dammit
  • i try to host once or twice a week.....usually a tuesday or sunday, but i wont run with less than 8...
    i'm located in the east end, around starwood and grange area...hope you can make it!!
  • Poker YUK!!!
  • i forgot to mention that the game will be pre-empted by 2 elimination black jack sessions (dont know how to play?! that's cool..miranda will teach you!)
  • Yeah i'm down for a game anytime on the weekend. Me AND Johnny Appleseed are more than willing to play, plus we have a few friends that i think would be interested. Let us know...... eh?!
  • alright, consider this game posted!

    It will take place sunday..7pm.....if you would like to play elimination black jack (sandro) we'll start that at..umm.....6pm (just for kicks oh..and 5 bucks a game winner take all.....dealer taking tips)
    the poker game will be 5000 in starting chips, 20 min blinds and blinds starting at 25-50. Hopefully we'll get the minmum of 8...maybe i'll start another post regarding this game............
    for right now
    1. Mark
    2. Mir
    3. TImmeh
    4. warbie
    5. Johnny
    6. Drtyore (you better show up, my coimic collection is sorely under apprecated by the general populas)
    7. sandros (again, dude...elimnation black jack..'nuff said)
    8. cowboy mike (i haven't asked him yet, his seat is still open)
    9. River MIke (again, tent)

    until then, make mine Marvel!
  • that sounds alright to me... im located at starwood/eastview area so thats not too far for me... just like to clear up a few things buy-in, exact location, etc.....send me an email.. big_l_thirtydirty@msn.com
  • No go for me out of town this weekend.

    BTW it's Sandro and stop &^)^&%^)%) saying Sandros it's getting just a bit old. :)
  • let me know too. you didn't say the buy in for the poker game. but im down none the less. e-mail me: warbie_011@hotmail.com
  • i will email johnnie and warbie......sandrO when are you guys leaving town? i didn't know about this!!
    or is it just you leaving town?
    elimination blackjack!! !oooooo!!
  • Are You serious about the comics?! lol...Ive still got some of mine from when i was mad young...Used to have way more but who knows what happened to them...I do still have the death of hobgoblin though lol....
  • lol....i'm not 100% serious about the comics, but they are great...i have almost every issue of ultimate spiderman......i'm interested in this death of hobgoblin you speak of...this is the original??? hmm.....bagged and boarded?
  • Yep, Timmeh is in for sure. Timmehhhh!
  • lol....oh this would be the original bagged and boarded......I've got a few pretty good ones...One of my buddys has got a way better collection though has mine dominated....Death of Superman...1st edition of Spawn... I couldnt even begin to name em all....
  • Don't think i can make it this week. My folks want me over for a b-day dinner. Prime Rib...........Enough said.
  • Hope we have enough for a game, Mark.
    If not, there's always Borat...
  • i think so..i will confirm today at 5ish.....but as it stands we have

    1. me
    2. timmeh
    3. warbie
    4. johnny
    5. Mir
    6. haren
    7. mark lewi
    8. jim

    i still need confirmation from mark l and jim and haren.....but it's looking like we have just enough....
  • okay...unless we get some more people i'm going to have to cancel this game..it sucks..but i've had 3 people who were "for sure" coming earlier this week, now bow out.......it's very unfortunate...i'll try again for tuesday, if you have people who also want to play please email me or phone me so i can get this together!!
  • Bummer Mark. I cannot play Tuesday either. You are a good man to keep to keep trying to organize - much appreciated.
  • lol....such a shame! ahh wellz..hopefully we will be able to play soon....i'll sign you up for the rock this thursday tim!! it's been to long...!!!
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