Game 5 Player's List

This is the current list of players for this week's game. Remember, if you want in, signup up NOW. If there are 17 or less players by Thursday at 2pm, we are only setting up two tables. If we have 18 or more players by that deadline, we will set up three tables.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-11 07:00:21
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-11 07:05:05
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-11 07:13:22
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-11 11:22:14
MidnightMike - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-11 12:30:54
AcidJosHoe - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-12 08:41:58
AcidJoe - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-12 09:43:29
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-13 11:01:07
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-13 17:02:27
BigGus - Seat Reserved - via verbal
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-13 18:09:26
TheMadRussian - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-14 07:24:30
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-14 08:38:58
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-14 09:08:50
TPower - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-14 15:34:22
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-15 03:53:32
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-15 08:25:30
GregHartwick - Seat Reserved - 2006-11-16 10:01:54


  • We are currently seating 18 players at this time. Looks like a third table will be set up. Therefore, seating is open for up to 24 players.
  • There's still room open for tonights game.

    If you want to join in, PM or post here and I'll set you all up with directions and structures.

    <yea, shameless bump>
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    There's still room open for tonights game.

    If you want to join in, PM or post here and I'll set you all up with directions and structures.

    <yea, shameless bump>

    Not to be an ass or anything but if Tony hasn't confirmed we are still at 17 players which means 2 tables, and as you said if we not have more then 17 before 2pm table then the game will be capped at 17.

    If he doesn’t show (or is blinded in until he shows) then we will have 2 tables of 6 and one of 5 which are short handed, then one player will get busted out and we will move to 2 tables of 8?
  • Tony is a pretty safe bet I think, he wants back to back wins again so he told me last week.

    If we have 18, which I believe we will, we'll start with 3 tables of 6, cut to 2 tables at 16, and merge final table at 9 like always. With 18, top 4 payout as well.

    Also, I do expect at least one or two more to firm up...haven't heard from Dan or Amanda yet either.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Tony is a pretty safe bet I think, he wants back to back wins again so he told me last week.

    If we have 18, which I believe we will, we'll start with 3 tables of 6, cut to 2 tables at 16, and merge final table at 9 like always. With 18, top 4 payout as well.

    Also, I do expect at least one or two more to firm up...haven't heard from Dan or Amanda yet either.

    If we have 18 why not have two table of 9?

    It's a personal pet peeve of mine to have some one not show up and have them blinded in for the first few levels until their chips are taken off.
  • I understand your peeve, Chris, believe me, nothing more frustrating than to setup a spot for someone and find out they aren't coming at all.

    I've just added GregH to the list now, and I'm more than confident Tony will play too, so that makes 19. With still a few more hours to go to deadline...6pm!! I really think we will hit the 20+ mark this week.

    And once I get home, I will confirm Tony once and for all.

    Edit; My bad...looks like Tony is out after all. Still, I'll leave the deadline at 6pm for any late comers...If we only have 19, we'll squeeze on two tables, otherwise three.
  • I'm pretty sure I remember Amanda said she would be coming this week.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Edit; My bad...looks like Tony is out after all. Still, I'll leave the deadline at 6pm for any late comers...If we only have 19, we'll squeeze on two tables, otherwise three.

    Is he skipping out of his snacks?
  • SON OF A B****H!!!

    I guess so...forgot about that least he didn't take the bracelet last week ;)

    Snacks WILL be made available
  • Easy and Dan and NOT going to make it tonight.

    18 at this time....two tables of 4 payout IF everyone shows up

    Registration is CLOSED.
  • So Tony's gonna be a biatch and skip out on the munchies....... Maybe I"ll cancel to make Chris's life easy.......NOT..... I'll take it down instead. Just set it up so I get position on Amanda so I can steal Her blind.

    NM my post I just caught the above.
  • Gus is OUT...he's gone fishing in RAMA!!

    Down to 17...only top 3 paid out.

    Joe, you playing with your eyes open or closed tonight? ;)
  • I guess it'll be with eyes wide shut. I can't steal amanda's blind so I guess I should look at my cards.
  • 2 tables, 3 tables, now 2 again. Tony's in, Tony's out. Top 3 pay, Top 4..., snacks , no snacks,

    The see-saw of emotions. How can I strategize, everything is changing so quickly.

    This is like bozaroo Ching Hill.

    Regular CH: Hope we get 8 players, BigChris is bubbleboy

    Bozaroo CH: 3 tables, and BigChris points/money leader

    See you guys tonight, or does someone just want to send me the money?
  • Isn't there a room that needs painting?

    Quit your bitching Jeff...we all know you have no idea how to strategize ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Isn't there a room that needs painting?

    Quit your bitching Jeff...we all know you have no idea how to strategize ;)

    He should be better now, as a few times after he announced raise I told him how much he should raise to drive guys like me out. I just didn't do the whole Tony G. in your face thing tho.
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