Mr. Half Way There Takes the Game

Tony takes down 1st place tonight with his KJs against my K9o. The board missed completely, and Tony's Jack plays. Tony takes down $375 for the victory tonight, while I pocket $225.

The turning point for me was when headsup, I am dealt 10 9o, raise to 3xbb. Tony goes all in over top of me. I ask for a count, he says 'all of them' and flips over pocket 4's...before I can call him on it!! Should have been ruled a dead hand, but we decided to play it out. I called, but go zero help, and lose the chip lead to Tony. Very next hand, he takes the game down.

Eleanor takes third place for $150, and Chris bubbles when I trip up my J5 hand with a 5 on the flop and another on the turn.

Tonight's chump was RumJoe, his second Chump in the two games he's played. Hmmmm, another record?

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. It was a great turnout again with 17 players.



  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Tony takes down 1st place tonight with his KJs against my K9o. The board missed completely, and Tony's Jack plays. Tony takes down $375 for the victory tonight, while I pocket $225.

    The turning point for me was when headsup, I am dealt 10 9o, raise to 3xbb. Tony goes all in over top of me. I ask for a count, he says 'all of them' and flips over pocket 4's...before I can call him on it!! Should have been ruled a dead hand, but we decided to play it out. I called, but go zero help, and lose the chip lead to Tony. Very next hand, he takes the game down.

    Eleanor takes third place for $150, and Chris bubbles when I trip up my J5 hand with a 5 on the flop and another on the turn.

    Tonight's chump was RumJoe, his second Chump in the two games he's played. Hmmmm, another record?

    Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. It was a great turnout again with 17 players.


    Congrats to Tony, AJ and Eleanor.

    Just remember to ask your self "What would Tony do?"
  • He would go all in and then show you his cards before you can call him...THAT'S what he would do!!!

    Can't believe he did that. I was going to fold anyway, should have...damndamndamn
  • sounds like you were halfway there, AJ. GOOD CALL.
  • If he hadn't shown pocket 4's, and I hadn't known I had overcards...I would have folded.

    Still, broke our own rule...should have been declared a dead hand at that point, but we agreed to play it out.

    Oh, and for the record...I was only about 15% there!
  • If your over 10% then your almost half way there so you should just go for it. What's 30 or 40 percent between friends
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