"The Wifes Away" Home Game, Monday Nov 6th

I have the house to myself for a couple of days, so I'm willling to host a few cheap SNGs. Say NO LIMIT to start, then maybe some other games, if there is interest.

Start time is 7PM, running until midnight.

Located in Waterloo, this game is BYOWhatever, and is completely RAKE FREE!

1. JohnnieH
2. RangerMike


  • I'm in.

    Please PM me your address. I presume you'll confirm go/no-go tomorrow at around 6:00pm on the forum.


    Ranger Mike
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    I'm in.

    Please PM me your address. I presume you'll confirm go/no-go tomorrow at around 6:00pm on the forum.


    Ranger Mike

    Sweet! PM sent.

  • Can't make it Johnnie.... DODGEBALL BABY!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Can't make it Johnnie.... DODGEBALL BABY!


    Well, that explains why nobody is signing up for my game!


    ps...have fun playing with each others balls!
  • I PM'd you... if there's a game, I'll play!
  • Looks like interest is low in my game, so I'll make a "game-time" decision when I get home from work.

    If we're not up to at least 5 players, I'll cancel it.

    FYI, there is a Bristol this week, so there is no shortage of Low-Limit poker in Waterloo:D
  • Can't swing it tonight Johnnie.....kids have music lessons and I feel like a bag-o-shit that's been kicked to the curb!
  • Sorry Johnnie, I wish I could make it but I can't!
  • my wife left for California yesterday... guess what I'm doing tonight :) Wish I lived a little closer to Waterloo as I would take you up on your offer. When the cat's away....

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    my wife left for California yesterday... guess what I'm doing tonight :)

    Strip bar and masturbation?

  • LOL

    Too funny
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Strip bar and masturbation?


    no, that was last night
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    no, that was last night

    Yea.... and?

    I mean, come on..... it could have been three hours agO!

  • Thanks for Hi-Jacking my thread with masturbation updates. Much appreciated. Personally, I think I'll be able to hold out until Wraych gets home.

    So, there still is little interest in tonight, so I'll give it till say, 6PM. If it's still just Ranger Mike, Debaser and myself, consider the game cancelled. We'll do battle at Bristol on Wednesday.

  • I'm in if there's a game on Johnnie.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Sorry Johhnie, but I can't make it after all.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Game cancelled.

    Sorry all.
  • Does this mean we can start talking about masturbating again?


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Does this mean we can start talking about masturbating again?



    Why am I thinking Masterbation Mondays and a group of guys playing poker is just WRONG WRONG WRONG. Now I wish I could get that image out of my head.
  • I would just like to say for the record that I did not start the masturbation talk, and even though I'm home alone, I did not masturbate. Master of my own domiane, baby!

    I have no idea what happeneed with Mark and the boys during dodgeball though!
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