Garry is Game 3 Winner

Sorry for the delay folks, it's been a weird day...

Garry goes from CHUMP two weeks ago to this week's CHAMP, taking first place last night when he nailed his 4 high flush up against Jeff's equalling embarressing trash.


But it was the hand before that crippled Jeff, and if either of you can give the details of that hand, I would appreciate it. Needless to say, I was too tired to even try to remember it. Needless to say, Jeff was left with maybe 500 chips after that one.

Dan hung in for third place finish, and our sweet Marci was CHUMP, beating yours truly by only 2 or 3 hands!!! Thanks Marci! Must appreciated.


Also, I think we can all say congradulations to AcidJoe for his great showing on the Protege Tournament last night. Your Ching Hill Team was cheering you on from the first hand Joe. Nice showing. BTW, thanks for the laptop...looks great!


  • Congrats Garry!

    Hey AJ...any chance you could make the pics a wee bit smaller?
  • Congrats Garry

    I would like to think I helped you out when you went all in pre flop with 2 7 of clubs and you beeat my a 10 of clubs.

    no hard feelings these things happen, it was a great night, but also late. What time did you guys finish up at??

    see you all next week hopefully
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Congrats Garry!

    Hey AJ...any chance you could make the pics a wee bit smaller?

    I'll try, not sure how yet. Never did it on the OLD forum.

    Game ended just after midnight, not too bad for 17 players.
  • Thanx everyone!!

    I'd love to say that it was a masterful display of poker genius on my part to take the win but in reality it was more dumb luck than anything else. After sucking out on Steve with my 7-2, I still feel bad about knocking him out with that hand, I managed to knock out Amiee when my QJ hit on the flop and counterfeited her 66.

    Heads up lasted only 2 hands and it was the first that caused the most damage to Jeffs stack. We had gotten all the chips in preflop, I flipped over A10C against Jeffs A8 off neither of us improved and I took a moster pot that left Jeff with only about 1200 in chips and as you can see the last hand I hit a flush on the river to end the game.

    Once again AJ and all thanx for a fantasitc evening!! I'm looking forward to defending the title next week although I have a feeling there will be a couple of players gunning for me ;)
  • Gunning for you?? Naw...just don't mind the hatchets and machetes that will be brought to the next's all a mind game.

    Good game Garry...remember, you're responsible for snacks next week...steaks, smoked salmon, and 40yr scotch should do the trick ;)
  • I've got a lot of ground to make up I'm gunning for everyone. Hopefully I can remember how to play live. LOL
  • Fold to my alot of draws...don't even bother to look at your hole cards...

    It'll come back to you...
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