CHPC Season 2 - Event #1 'Crazy Rebuy': Sat Nov 11th @ 7:00 pm



  • Congrats Mario, well played.

    Thanks to Big E for hosting!

  • Just wanted to say thanks to Eric for hosting a great event. I hope all went well with your son and new pup. Looking forward to the next one you hold..... everyone ready for "POKERQUEEN, Part II" LOL

  • Hey Eric, thanks for squeezing me in. It was definitely tight and hot. Just the way I like it...

    What a fun event!

    I have to confess I was on tilt for a large part of the evening. Not because of the bad beats, though. It was those damn black chairs!

    Congrats to all the money winners. And kudos to Mandy for taking up the skimpy dressing challenge. And a big hug to Mario. For everything.
  • Thanks Eric,

    Really enjoyed it! Fantastic game Mario.

    {Eric-is the light ok?}
  • Thanks to everyone for coming, I hope everyone had a good time....I will post the final results over lunch today.

    I do apologize for the heat down there, I've never had three tables down there before, and a few things became clear to me after this (my biggest to date) tourney....

    1. My basement is small
    2. My basement is extremely hot (I was going to turn the fireplace on just for fun!)
    3. The floors and walls apparently are made of rice paper and offer no sound proofing whatsoever. (but although my kids said it was loud, they said they enjoyed the movies and that Daddy can do it again if he wants!)
    4. The black chairs were made by evil Chiropractors and I have burned them to ashs, then flushed the ashes down the toilet, they will never make anyone uncomfortable again! Sorry to those that had to sit/balance on them.
    5. This poker community is great, everyone respected my house, everyone is welcome back (except Mario, I'm sick of handing money over to him!) and I have no fears of doing this again!
    6. I suck at poker.
    7. I need a window or two in the basement.
    8. I suck at poker.
    9. The talent in KW is top-notch, I am not.
    10. I simply cannot win any event I host, ever!

    Thanks also to Compuease for the cards and chips....but seriously, the hummingbird must die!!!! Jordo and I must have spent 2 hours separating chips when everyone left!!!! I have them all sorted and ready to go back to you.

    Thanks to Wolffhound for the extra two tables, sorry you could not make it, hopefully you'll be there for the next one!

    Thanks also to Moose for bringing extra chairs!

    Thanks to barley, hops, malts, etc for the entertainment!

    Thanks to Mark for asking before he drank ALL my beer ;) (kidding!)

    It was a really full house, I had a blast even though I went out really early, hopefully you all had a good time....congratz to Mario for taking down Season 2 - Event #1, results will follow.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    {Eric-is the light ok?}

    As Austin Powers would say....

    ouch baby, very ouch! Hope your head is ok, the light survived no problems...I usually crack my coconut against it 3-4 times a day.

    nh btw.
  • BTW,

    the only thing I found the next day was someone's copy of Bluff magazine....if you need it back lemme know!
  • Sorry I missed it Eric, sounds like it was a blast!
    Big E wrote: »
    the only thing I found the next day was someone's copy of Bluff magazine....if you need it back lemme know!

    Does this remind anyone of when George Costanza had to buy a book from the store because it had been in the bathroom. Then he tried to return it to another store and they would not accept it for the same reason?
  • Big E wrote: »
    Hope your head is ok, the light survived no problems...I usually crack my coconut against it 3-4 times a day.

    nh btw.

    Actually it was my hand as I triumphantly raised my arms in victory at the talent and skill used to suck out with my lousy a-js vs. pkt Q.

    It is red and swollen..but I think it makes me look tough, scrappy and intimidating..grr -I just need Mario to give me lessons now on how to completely own a game and a table and I'm all set!

    So glad the light is ok and again..very well played Mario!
  • Okay, the results have been uploaded and you can check them out at:

    I use the following formula to calculate total points (taken from Lucky Lou, thanks!) :

    ROUND(10*SQRT(number of entries)/SQRT(rank),2)-9

    If you have trouble logging into the site (need nickname or password) please PM me.

    Aside from the heat issues I think it went over very well and again hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Compuease, I'll plan on bringing your chips to the next Bristol event we are both at...if you need them sooner let me know.

    We started shortly after 7:00 and the rebuy period was crazy for sure. With 26 players spread across 3 tables we had the initial prize pool of $130. At approx 8:30 pm the rebuy period was over and with all 26 players adding on for $52 and a crazy 71 rebuys for $142 the total prize pool jumped to $324!!!

    The top 5 players made the money.

    At 8:47 pm Shopsy was the first victim and with Folded following suit 3 minutes later I thought sweet, two tough players are gone my job just got was not to be my night as I exited after both Lee and Johnnie H at around 9:30..oh well, at least from then on I could drink beer and make sure my dog didn't go all over the house but enough about me!!!!

    The final table formed around 11:30pm as 9 solid players outlasted a very talented field! The chip counts were as follows:

    1st: Itsame - Mario = 35,100
    2nd: Kristy_Sea = 33,800
    3rd: Milton Bob = 29,400
    4th: Waltsfriend - Sandy = 28,000
    5th: Larry "The wine Man" = 23,500
    6th: DrTyore - Mark = 15,400
    7th: Melikebeer - Jordo = 9,700
    8th: Pkrfce - Greg = 7,800
    9th: Poker Queen - Mandy = 4500

    The blinds were 500/1000 giving at least half the table room to play,the other half would need to make a move to stay alive! My notes are sketchy at best (but the beer was cold!!!) so desrcriptions will be brief.

    Given the players left on the final table I did not expect very tight play...was I was very tight and cautious and it took a few laps around the table before we lost anyone.

    9th: Pkrfce - Greg: I can't remember the time but Greg needed to make a move early and decided to make a stand with K8, let's face it K8 make money right Mario? Unfortunately for Greg, Walstfriend-Sandy woke up with AQ and an A on the turn sealed Greg's fate. It was nice to see Greg make the trip, I really enjoy his sense of homour at the tables.

    8th: Poker Queen - Mandy: Mandy was hanging on for dear life starting the final table with an M of 3 but managed to hang in there until she shoved all her chips in with 33 only to have Jordo call with QQ, the 3's did not improve and Mandy went off whoring with Jeremy...and how did that go guys???? Mandy was a lot of fun at the final table, and feeling no pain thanks to a magic bottle of pop she had tucked under the table....hope there was no hangover the next day!!!

    7th: Waltsfriend - Sandy: 12:56 am - Sandy was in good shape when the final table formed but I think took a couple hits (can't remember details?) and with the blinds 1200/2400 she decided to make a stand with AJ going all-in against Kristy who had TT. No help for the AJ on a board of 2Q89Q and Kristy added even more chips to a quickly growing stack! It was only my second time playing with Sandy but she's definitely got game, all the girls had game that night that's for sure!!!

    *** Bubble Boy Alert ***

    6th: Melikebeer - Jordo: 12:59 am - Jordo I think took a couple bad beats as well, or maybe was just card dead for a while but then with the blinds at 1500/3000 he looks down to see AK and raises. Kristy with a ton of chips makes the call and the flop comes down 9TQ, check, check and the turn is a K...Jordo pushes all in and Kristy gladly calls with KJ having flopped the straight-ouch! A duece on the river and Jordo is out just missing the money. A tough one buddy but great tournament, 6th out of a very talented 26 is not too shabby dude!

    5th: DrTyore - Mark: 1:15 am - I thought the table would open up at this point as everyone had made the money but again we went a couple blind levels before our next casualty.....Mark was dying to go whoring with Mandy and Jeremy but his natural competitiveness (sp?) kept him battling at the tables (and drinking my beer :( ). With the blinds 2000/4000 Mark makes his move with J4 (I can't remember but I sure hope they were soooooted?). I can't remember if Mark pushed pre-flop or perhaps flopped a J or a 4 but I do remember that Bob called with 79 and rivered a straight giving the DrTyore a taste of his own medicine ;) and sending him packing in 5th and taking home $19. I'm only teasing you about the beer buddy, it's always fun having you at the tables!!!

    4th: The Wine Man - Larry: 1:36 am - It seemed that everytime Larry would enter a pot Mario would come over the top on him. I have A5 vs. AQ written down but I can't remember what the hell for? I think Larry got knocked down to something like 1600 in chips when his AQ ran into A5 only for someone (Mario?) to spike a 5. Regardless Larry took a bad beat and pushed with K4 only to have Mario call with KQ, Mario's hand held up and Larry took home $30. I believe this was my first time playing with Larry and it was a pleasure.

    3rd: Kristy_Sea - Kristy: 1:55 am - Man this was a long tourney, next time I'll drop the blinds to 15 minutes instead of 20! The final 3 players all at some point owned the final table, unfortunately for Kristy she owned it early and Mario owned it late. Kristy finally put her A2 up against Mario's A7 and Mario took a huge chip lead heads-up against Milton Bob!!!! This was the second tourney I have played with Kristy and she has proven she's got serious game, nicely done! There was one funny point (well not funny for Kristy or my Boston Bruin's light?) where Kristy made a huge call, found out she was behind, then the flop hit her hard (can't remember details?) unfortunately she was directly below my low hanging metal Boston light when she jumped up to cheer....the sound made everyone cringe and I thought for sure I was gonna be cleaning blood off the carpet...luckily everyone and the light was ok! Kristy took home $50 for third!

    2nd: Milton Bob - Bob: 1:56 am - Bob also played a fantastic tournament but unfortunately Mario and Kristy had most of the chips and when Mario took Kristy out he had Bob so outchipped he did not have much room to move....and Mario kept forcing his hand...finally Bob took a stand and called putting himself all-in with A3. Mario flipped Q6 and the board came down T5784 giving Mario the straight, the title of 'Suckout King', and first place again. It's always a pleasure playing with the Milton crew and congratz on a great game Bob. Bob took home $80 for second!

    1st: Itsame - Mario: After giving his chips to his new girlfriend Michelle many times during the rebuy period...and when I say 'giving' I mean pushing with shit and getting called or calling with a hand and getting outdrawn :) Mario brought his A-game after the rebuy period was over. Mario is always the life of the party and a helluva player, congratz on taking home $145 for first buddy, you certainly earned it with some great play. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'll invite you to the next one? (kidding)

    Season 2 - Event #2 will likely take place early in 2007, the holiday season is just too busy for most of us so keep an eye out and hopefully we'll have another good time!
  • OMG...not the Bruins light?!?!?!

    That's just too harsh! As a fellow Bruins fan, I feel for your close call!

    Sounds like a hell of alot fun though all the same.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    OMG...not the Bruins light?!?!?!

    That's just too harsh! As a fellow Bruins fan, I feel for your close call!

    Sounds like a hell of alot fun though all the same.

    HEHE you and I both know it can stand up to the abuse.....had it been a Habs light it would have shattered into a million pieces!!!
  • Well Played game by everyone. Thanks for hosting E the girlfriend also enjoyed playing with everyone, she had a blast.
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Actually it was my hand as I triumphantly raised my arms in victory at the talent and skill used to suck out with my lousy a-js vs. pkt Q.

    It is red and swollen..but I think it makes me look tough, scrappy and intimidating..grr -I just need Mario to give me lessons now on how to completely own a game and a table and I'm all set!

    So glad the light is ok and again..very well played Mario!

    Kristy remeber when you suckout its always "calculated" suck out odds. well played game.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    Kristy remeber when you suckout its always "calculated" suck out odds.

    When I shoved the a-j your call gave me 2-1...I'm all over the hindsight justification ;)
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