CHPC Season 2 - Event #1 'Crazy Rebuy': Sat Nov 11th @ 7:00 pm

New Players Welcome? If so I'd like to play.


  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    New Players Welcome? If so I'd like to play.

    you bet!

    1 more seat at least open, possibly more depending on replies.
  • sign me up
  • Shopsy2 wrote: »
    sign me up

    sweet, glad you can make it!
  • If there is enough interest I could run 3 tables of 8 and bump up the max to 24....the wife is out of town so I have the run of the house...... long as I get everything cleaned up before she gets home, doh!

  • Yes boys, I'm back in town. Reserve me a spot. I'll need directions. Saw the big boys at Fallsview for the WPT and picked up some pointers. Lets go!
    The 'Wine Man'
  • E,

    You can take Wraychel off the list. She will be out of town that night. But I'm in FOR SURE!

    Will there be a 90/180 Level? lol.

  • Season 1 was a success so what the hell, let's do it again!!!! Same format basically, I will run 4 cheap, relaxed events over the winter keeping points for each event with the top 10 players competing in a large stack (10,000 chips) all day event in the spring.

    The first event will be a $5 NLHE tourney with unlimited $2 rebuys for the first 4 levels and 1 - $2 add-on at the end of level 4. We will start with 1500 in chips and use a fairly relaxed blind schedule. I expect crazy play for the first 4 levels, then we usually settle down and get a little more serious.

    24 players max (top 4 will pay), there are some emails and pm's out so I'm not sure how many open seats there are right now?

    Point standings and tourney info can be found here:

    If you're not signed up for Home Poker Tour and are attending please sign up and join my league so I can keep track of your points and send notice of future events.

    1. Big E
    2. Jordo
    3. DrTyore
    4. Mario
    5. Johnnie H
    6. Prophet 22
    7. Wally
    8. Morty
    9. Waltsfriend
    10. G2
    11. Folded
    12. Larry "The Wine Man" L.
    13. Lee
    14. Moose
    15. Kristy_Sea
    16. Shopsy
    17. Compuease
    18. 2 Bullets
    19. Poker Queen
    20. Nicole
    21. Bob S.
    22. Dave D
    23. Dr. Larry
    24. Mario's Honey


    25. pkrfce9

    PM me for more details if necessary, of course this is a RAKE FREE event!

  • Moose maybe
  • Please add:


    to the waiting list.

  • Hey please count at least some of the Rocks in if you have room. Myself Jeff, Larry L, and Bob S. Not sure about Snowflake (Dave D) or not but will check on him.....
  • Ok, I've updated the list and there are still some 'maybe's' out there so the reserves may get in.....still debating max number for this one.

    My kids will have the upstairs so I'll see if I can squeeze 3 tables downstairs to allow more players?
  • Could I score a ride off somebody?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Could I score a ride off somebody?
    I got you Johnnie! How do you take your coffee?

  • You are both a gentleman and a scholar.

    Um....Regular. Shouldn't I be buying one for you?

  • I'm in, sign me up
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You are both a gentleman and a scholar.

    Um....Regular. Shouldn't I be buying one for you?

    Good point, we'll hit Timmy's after I pick you up. Say 6:20pm.

  • g2 wrote: »
    Good point, we'll hit Timmy's after I pick you up. Say 6:20pm.


    Done and done. And I mean done!

  • Hey Eric, can you add Dave D and Larry L, (the Vet) to your list. Hopefully you are going to 3 tables. If you need more chips let me know I have 2 cases. Jeff..
  • I've updated the list...and against my better judgement decided to go with 3 tables of 8 gentle my kids will be trying to sleep upstairs LOL!

    Jeff, if you could bring one case of chips we should be fine, I have two cases.

    Also, I only have two decks of Copaq's....can anyone else bring a deck or two?

    One last thing, I have enough chairs for 16 people...if anyone has a few folding chairs we could sure use them....please let me know.

    PM me if you need directions.
  • Still not 100% on being able to make it but if I do, I have tables, chairs, felt, chips, and Kems a plenty.
  • These Crazy Rebuy Tourneys are always a helluva good time. I'm looking forward to meeting more Forum players!

    Incidentally - I should have in my hands Saturday night four free tickets to this...
    Hockey Hall of Fame Legends Series Canada vs The World Sunday Nov. 12th 2:00 pm at the Air Canada Centre (yes, that's THIS Sunday)
    I'm not going, but I would like to see the tickets go to someone who would appreciate them. Whoever pays for the most rebuys for me each time I donk myself out of chips in the first four rounds can have them. (kidding) Just let me know who's interested, even if I never met ya!

    (Jordo edit - they are currently spoken for, but I'll update here if anything changes)

  • The new Forum keeps reminding me that I am not posting with any regularity.
    So, I am taking this opportunity to comment om a few things. Joe - glad the avatar is back, it is the reason I click on the site LOL Johnny- I'll give you a ride just come to my place, Why did no one want another fat boy poker challenge? Sorry I missed the second Royal cup. Still think card toss is a good lazy olympic's event and finally (Tah Dah!!!!) Eric is the game on Saturday after the Leafs and Bruins game? Let's talk!!!!

    See you all then

    Milton Slim (not so much)
  • Hey Dave,

    The game is this Saturday (7:00pm sharp, doors open at 6:59 or 6:30-ish)...Boston beats Toronto on Thursday night and then we can all cheer as Toronto beats Montreal on Saturday!!!

    I have 3 tables ready to go, 2 cases of chips, two decks, and approx 16-18 chairs so at the very least we need 1 deck(?), 1 case of chips (Jeff?), and perhaps 6-8 chairs(?).

    p.s. We are all glad Joe's avatar is back!
  • Let me know if you need chips or cards, I have plenty of both.

  • Big E
    Need your address for saturday. E-mail me ASAP.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • BOSTON Beats Toronto???
    was it supposed to be BOSTON beaten by Toronto?
    or was it
    Toronto Beats BOSTON?

    Did he proof read his reply?
    or is he ???


    Milton (Go Leafs Go) Slim
  • 2BULLETS wrote: »
    Let me know if you need chips or cards, I have plenty of both.


    Cool, thanks Jeremy, I think Jeff is bringing an extra case of chips, if you bring a deck or two we're set. Just need a couple folding chairs.

    Do you and Mandy remember where I live?
  • Hey Eric, can you PM me your address and number? Thx.. Jeff..
  • I am new to the forum. Could you put me on the waiting list for this tournament. I will need you to send me your address if I make the cut.

    Sandy (waltsfriend)
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    BOSTON Beats Toronto???
    was it supposed to be BOSTON beaten by Toronto?
    or was it
    Toronto Beats BOSTON?

    Did he proof read his reply?
    or is he ???


    Milton (Go Leafs Go) Slim

    I'm both insane and obviously I have been a Boston fan for as long as I can remember...I obviously am not very swift either.....come to think of it, why am I even here?

    I guess just to watch the Leafs lose :)
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