Game 3 Player's Listing

This is the current list of players so far for this weeks' game.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-28 17:41:41
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-28 17:46:40
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-29 07:48:58
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-29 10:05:59
GregHartwick - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-30 06:32:33
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-30 07:20:14
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-30 08:52:06
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-30 09:03:45
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved - verbal
BigGus - Seat Reserved - verbal
MarciNoE - Seat Reserved - via email
Highflyer - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-30 16:20:51
EASY - Seat Reserved - via email
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2006-10-30 20:04:04
AcidJoesHoe - Seat Reserved - via posting
TheBusDriver - Seat Reserved - via posting
PegasusKid - Seat Reserved -via email
Teddy TB17 - Seat Reserved - via email

I will update this as we go along.

Also, for the new members who had guests here last week...if your guests are intending to join us again, and have NOT been added to the email list, please let me know if they are coming. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee their seats.

Lastly, as you may or may not be aware, one of our members has qualified to the next level of DN's 2nd Protege Hunt, and will be participating in the next level to qualify for the final table in Bahamas. AcidJoe will therefore not be in attendance to this weeks game, however, I still think we can cheer him on the rail.

If you have a laptop with Tournament Director on it, and would like to volunteer to bring it to this week's game, we can use the laptop for our game, and I'll download the site Joe will be on and we can railbird him as he takes down this next level. Please let me know if you are able to bring a laptop and you and I will get things rolling ahead of time.

In the meantime, ALL THE BEST TO ACIDJOE in the 2nd Protege Hunt!!!


  • I sent you a PM AJ. Aimee will bring the laptop. If I get a blind schedule from you I'll programme it in. Thanks to all for your encouragement on what I think will be my biggest 9 person SNG ever. My nick is Acidjoe0 and it's the Seat 7 protege table under restricted tourney's.
  • I'll send you the details for the blinds tonight, or tomorrow considering it's Halloween. Good luck on the tourney CAN do it!!
  • OK AJ everything is in. I've added the names that are already listed. You may have to add late additions. Take it easy on Aimee or she may have to leave the lap top there after she busts out. LOL.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Take it easy on Aimee or she may have to leave the lap top there after she busts out. LOL.

    No promises!

    Thanks Joe.
  • Still a couple of open seats to this weeks game. If you're interested in playing, please post or PM me to reserve your seat.

    This means YOU BusDriver!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Still a couple of open seats to this weeks game. If you're interested in playing, please post or PM me to reserve your seat.

    This means YOU BusDriver!!

    Don't know why you guys are always begging me to come out and take your money. Wouldn't it just be easier to collect it all there, then have who ever it was who would come in 2nd, bring me my cut?

    I'm in.

    btw, moving was a mild success. Nothing too broken. Moved Thursday, but Saturday wife had 3 bedrooms painted. I keep asking, It's a new friggin house, what needs to be painted?
  • wife had 3 bedrooms painted. I keep asking, It's a new friggin house, what needs to be painted?

    Do what I did...learn to love PINK!
  • Don't know why you guys are always begging me to come out and take your money. Wouldn't it just be easier to collect it all there, then have who ever it was who would come in 2nd, bring me my cut?

    We want you there because you're the peoples Champ.
  • I am in ... I am bringing the laptop.. I am bringing the laptop home.. I have my orders to bring the laptop home.. Good luck Joe with your tournement...
    I am sure we will all be watching you tonight.. in between play...
  • We are all setup here to rail Joe tonight. Thanks Joe and Amiee for the use of the laptop.

    Joe, if you bust lose the laptop!!! J/K
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