$5 Turkey Day Rebuy Tourney Bradford Nov. 25 @ 2 pm



  • Final table is underway with the following:
    All chip counts approximate as a full count didn't take place.

    Seat 1 Derek 42,000
    Seat 2 MDSguy 9,700
    Seat 3 Aimee 11,900
    Seat 4 Acidjoe 9,800
    Seat 5 KRT 27,000
    Seat 6 Charlier 13,800
    Seat 7 Shawn 17,000
    Seat 8 Chris L 49,300
  • That was fun donating tonight. Look forward to doing it again.

  • Acid Joe: Thank-you I had a fantastic time and the food was great too.
    Thanks again.
    big fish
  • Thanx for everyone coming out. It was a good day. Blondfish I hope you busting out doesn't diminish the quality of competition. I will post full results tomorrow. We have a new double champ. And Aimee posts her 2nd finish again.
  • Ok here are some of the key hands. A few levels were added with the cap going to be at 5,000/10,000. After 10 hours of poker the players remaining were tired.

    Acidjoe vs derek. I call a raise with A7 of clubs. Flop give me an A with the flush draw. Derek makes i 4K I push my last 8,000 chips in. he insta calls with AK. Can't find any help I"m out at the 400/800 level

    Shawn shortly after I bust out gets his Q8 in against Dereks A4. No help for either and the A4 holds. This was the 500/1000 level

    MDS guy gets all in holding a q on a board of Q 7 3. chris calls with a 7 5. River brings of course a 5 and MDSguy is out at the 600/1200 level. Can you say pissed?

    The biggest hand of the night, KRT takes the chip lead after Major flop action with a board of K 3 6 rainbow and he get his KK in vs 66. I believe it was against chris. KRT now takes the chip lead. Chris is out.

    Charlie then gets his Ad Kh in against Aimee's K9. Aimee spiked a nine on the flop and Charlie was out. This was at 2,000/4,000

    KRT gets his AQ in vs derek's bush of KJ. board was no help and derek is out. This was at 3,000/6000.

    The final hand of the evening Aimee pushes he A8 and KRT calls with 99
    flop comes 33 9 giving KRT the boat. That's all she wrote. This was at 4,000/8,000

    Final results are KRT 175
    Aimee 120
    Derek 70
    Charlie 30
    Chris L

    I was short chipped all day I guess calling all in blind goin all in blind doesn't pay off. Thanks to g2 for coming out making him the first kw player to make it here. He rebought the most and I think he enjoyed himself. The tightest table (before the shuffle) rebough a total of 5 times between 2 players. The rest didn't rebuy.

    KRT now becomes a double winnier with Aimee taking 2nd twice in a row. Our next tournament will be our usual $25 with one rebuy of $25 probably sometime in March.

    Thanks to all the players for coming out and making it a great day. Unfortunately the car from Rama broke down and took out 3 of our greatest donators.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Ok here are some of the key hands.
    MDS guy gets all in holding a q on a board of Q 7 3. chris calls with a 7 5. River brings of course a 5 and MDSguy is out at teh 600/1200 level. Can you say pissed?

    Yea I was a little pissed at that. I was holding QT, hit top pair on the flop and check, Chris bets 2400 and I reraise all in for 7500. Instead of doing the right thing and folding his crap, Chris calls the 5100 more and spikes a 5 on the the river.

    I guess it's not just Online poker thats rigged, Joes is rigged too.

    It was Karma that he busted out on the bubble, pushing all in with A5 and getting called by Aimee's AQ.

    Thanks for hosting a fun day Joe and Aimee, I look forward to the next one. Paula and I are looking at holding a tourny similar to yesterdays, maybe with just a 1 hour rebuy though.

    I will keep you posted.
  • Thanks to Joe and Aimee for their hospitality and fun poker event. The food was delicious.
  • Thanks to Joe and Aimee for a great day even thought i couldnt catch a single hand once the rebuy period was over. cya next time!
  • J & A -

    Had a blast winning my second tourney at The Crown Casino!
    Great poker and awesome food once again!
    Aimee is on a roll - watch out for that girl!

    Thanks again.

    (this was a rebuy tourney?)
  • AcidJoe wrote: »

    The biggest hand of the night, KRT takes the chip lead after Major flop action with a board of K 3 6 rainbow and he get his KK in vs 66. I believe it was against chris. KRT now takes the chip lead. Chris is out.

    For the Record that hand was against Derek (aka Doyle Who?). If I won that hand the tourney would of ended much sooner. I would of had a monster chip led. But "LUCK" I guess was not on my side with that cold deck.


    Great Food, Great Poker, A Great Time

    Thanks for the invite
  • Then I stand corrected. Chris was then out shortly after that hand. I can't seem to find it in my notes. But I guess MDS's post kinda covers it. All I know is you guys were the tightest I'd seen once you got down to 4. And Charlie seemed to hang around for ever. It was a good game which may have gone longer if fatique didn't set in.
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