$5 Turkey Day Rebuy Tourney Bradford Nov. 25 @ 2 pm

Crown Casino Presents
:h: $5 rebuy tourney November 25 @ 2 pm :c:

Since it's American Thanksgiving weekend I thought a fun tourney would be in order. Come one come all to the Bradford fish tank. :fish: I have taken the format completely from g2 so I hope he doesn't mind but his rebuy tourneys have been great. A few locals should be major contributors to this tourney.

The rebuy period will last 2 hours.

Buy-in: $5 for 2000 chips
Rebuy: $5 for 2000 chips
Add-on: $5 for 3000 chips

After 1 hour all players will redraw seats. The blinds will be the same as g2's rebuy tourney.

All levels are 20 minutes.
Blinde schedule is as follows:
5/10 10/20 15/30 Redraw 20/40 30/60 40/80 Colour up and add on
50/100 75/150 100/200 150/300 Colour up 200/400 300/600 400/800 500/1000 600/1200 Break 800/1600 1000/2000 1200/2400 1500/3000 1800/3600 2000/4000 3000/6000 capped.
Payouts to be based on 3 tables
1st 40% 2nd 25% 3rd 17.5% 4th 10% 5th 7.5%.
Payouts based on 2 tables
1st 45% 2nd 30% 3rd 17.5% 4th 7.5%
All games are rake free. Side games will be available after some tables collapse.

Please pm me or contact me at crowncasino@winning.com

Reserved seating

1. Acidjoe
2. Aimee
3. Derek
4. Alekat
5. Matt
6. Todd
8. KRT
9. Shawn
10. Heather
11. Jenn
12 Mike
13 Dan
14 Chris A
15 Chris L
16 g2
17 Rob
18 Wayne
19 Brad
20 Linda
21 MDSguy
22 SOS (Tent)
24 Charlie
26 Nelson
27 Kavak
28 Blondefish


  • I'm flattered. I've got to wait a week or two and see when my last major assignments will be due before I can sign up though. Hopefully I can make it out.

  • sounds good Joe sign me up. will try to get a few more and will let you know about them later.

  • The list is currently updated and I will save g2 a spot but I haven't listed him there yet. If he can confirm either way that would be great.
  • Hi Joe, will this be the day I break the Bradford curse? sign me up. Thanks.

  • NP you'll have lots of shots at them with the rebuys. LOL. It's filling up fast so if your interested let me know. Yes g2 I've saved you a seat.
  • Woohoo! Sign me up 100% Joe. Can you pm me directions please.

  • I am very interested in this Joe. I am trying to book a sitter so Paula can come too.

    I will check with SOS and Charlie as well, how many seats do you have room for?
  • I will tentitively put all of you down I can presently fit all of you.
  • BTW Joe, I need directions PM'd to me again, I can't find the other PM you sent.
  • MDSGuy wrote: »
    BTW Joe, I need directions PM'd to me again, I can't find the other PM you sent.

    NP I"m going to PM or e mail everyone at the end of next week. Anyone who needs directions please let me know via pm or e mail. Thanks.

    PS g2 I know you need them. MDS I guess this means your not tentitive?
  • Paula and I are confirmed. Check with SOS and Charlie at the Westside event on Saturday.
  • PM's were sent today with address (use google or mapquest for directions). If you didn't receive one and require the address please let me know. Doors open 1/2 hour before game time. If you are going to be late and I'm notified you will be blinded in.
  • AcidJoe, please add me to the waiting list and PM the address. Thanks.
  • PM sent Blondefish. Everyone should have the address PM'd to them. If you don't have it and require it let me know. See everyone next Saturday. If your on the waiting list please show up anyways. If numbers warrent I will run 4 tables. Given past experience it seems 4 or 5 don't show and don't call so I don't think it'll be a problem.
  • List is up to date: MDS is SOS and charlie coming?
  • I've had a couple of cancellations there's still room to get in for those interested.
  • Man I'm psyched for this. My wallet is getting pretty thick from hording all the $5 bills I come across. I might play the first level blind ;)

  • I'm thinking to facilitate game play and eliminate problems with change I may issue Blue bounty chips for $5.00. That way someone can purchase $20 in "bounty" chips and use them to rebuy. Or would people prefer to bring stacks of $5's. Anyone's comments on this idea are welcome.
  • Paula has bailed, but Charlie is confirmed, SOS is still up in the air, he had car problems and may have to be out car shopping on Saturday.

    The blue chips sounds like a plan, I can't see anyone being able to bring 500 $5 bills. Is 500 rebuys alot?
  • MDSGuy wrote: »
    Paula has bailed, but Charlie is confirmed, SOS is still up in the air, he had car problems and may have to be out car shopping on Saturday.

    The blue chips sounds like a plan, I can't see anyone being able to bring 500 $5 bills. Is 500 rebuys alot?

    NP I"ll update the list. We should have a minimum of 24 it looks anyways depending on the walk up status. And NO 500 rebuys is not a lot, it's about average. Don't forget to save $5 for the add on.
  • Would the bounty chip(s) still have the regular purpose of being given to the first person who eliminates you that also has a bounty chip? If more than one bounty chip is allowed, wouldn't it be difficult to track who has their bounty chip still available to be won? :fish:
    AcidJoe wrote: »
    I may issue Blue bounty chips for $5.00. That way someone can purchase $20 in "bounty" chips and use them to rebuy. Or would people prefer to bring stacks of $5's. Anyone's comments on this idea are welcome.
  • NO Blondfish. The bounty chip is just saying that you paid 5 to 20 dollars. Joe thought it would be easier for rebuying. then having to put 5 dollars everytime some one busted out and rebought. He just thought to use the bounty chip so that it could not be confused with any other chip.

    I think it is a good idea. Less trouble for the rebuy.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Would the bounty chip(s) still have the regular purpose of being given to the first person who eliminates you that also has a bounty chip? If more than one bounty chip is allowed, wouldn't it be difficult to track who has their bounty chip still available to be won? :fish:

    There is No bounty's here. The chip would be the same as a $5.00 bill to make the rebuys/change easier. I may not do it if it's going to lead to confusion or just make it a white/pink or whatever colour chip. Change for rebuys/add ons seems to be a problem occassionally on these tourneys.

    Everything is set up, the doors will open at 1:15 approximately. We are set to go with 30 spots set up presently. I DO want to start at 2 pm as this will last a while. This event is NON smoking however smoke breaks have been scheduled. For those who haven't been before please enter through the garage to the door on the left.

    High stakes poker will be running on the TV DVD until we get going.

    Good luck to those attending and see you tomorrow.
  • The list is also current and we've had a few cancellations. There is room for a few more. I am also expecting some walk ins. If you are going to be late phone/pm me to ensure your spot. You will be blinded in.
  • Thanks for clarifying the "bounty" chip, AcidJoe and AcidJoesHoe.

    After doing my usual tournament analysis, please note that this event can last much longer than even a West Side tournament. It has the highest "Skill Level" of 6, just like the WPT multi-day tournaments. :h:

    AcidJoe, are you sure that you want to cap the blinds at only 2000/4000 when there could be easily be more than 175,000 chips in play? I personally love long tournaments, as long as you and your guests know that this may turn out to be the longest tournament for them.
    AcidJoe wrote: »
    I DO want to start at 2 pm as this will last a while.
  • I"ll see exactly how many people turn out. Most of my tourney's (I've never done a rebuy like this) have ended about 8 hours later. If we get a full turn out I will add a few more blind levels. I'm glad my tourney's are ranking up there with the west sides for skill level. I think we get a good group that come here to play. I do expect it to be a long day that's why I want to start on time.
  • SOS's car shopping lasted exactly 1 car. He bought the first one we saw, so he is in.

    See you at about 1:30.

    BTW I am glad to hear 500 rebuys is considered normal, it allows me to not be labelled as "tight".
  • AcidJoe, I'm about to go for the long drive, so please blind me out if I'm late. Thanks.
  • how many rebuys so far? wish I could have made it.

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    how many rebuys so far? wish I could have made it.


    It's gotten pretty tame now. $395 prize pool. Unfortunately a car breaking down took away a few of our players.
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