Bristol St. Classic XXVIII - Wed. Nov 1st @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • Look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night - It has been a long time since I have had the opportunity to play or post.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Hey Dave,

    I'm going to get a little snarky and suggest that Wed would be better spent catching up on the HU tournament. If Lou is free Wed. night, I'll open up my living room for the two of you to play.

    If you've already played your match, please disregard my snarkiness. :)

    No worries Rob,

    I am a big fan of snarkiness as well as smarminess, sarcasm, smartaleckery, flippancy and facetiousness.

    I'm hoping to do both if Lou can make it. If not my schedule is pretty good for meeting with him over the next week if he's available.

    I will be there tomorrow by 7:30. If I'm in blind me out for a bit.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Rob,

    I am going to be late. Please blind me in. Should be there before I run out of chips, regardless I will be there. Have the pringles can sit there till I get there ok.

  • @#$@%$ traffic) please blind me in.
  • I have a meeting in Waterloo until 7 -so I may too be a few moments late - please blind me out.
  • Sorry Rob,cant make it, hope a sub can fill my spot
  • Congrats to moose (Rob) for taking this Bristol St. down. He is now a 2 time Bristol St. Classic winner. With this win, the chase for the Player of the Year has gotten even closer.

    Congrats to Sean for his runner up finish, and Dave for his third place finish.
  • Congratulations! GG all and thanks to Rob - really enjoyed it.
  • Wow! I guess ALL the big stacks imploded. I'll post more once I've calmed down. And woken up.

    Thanks for hosting, Rob. Great game and great group of people.
  • I had a great time (beat my personal best, so that's something).

    BTW, the link to the current rankings in the OP is busted, probably due to the forum upgrade.

  • Another great time Rob, thanks for hosting...and congratz to the money personal best and my first final table at a Bristol....card dead and short stacked all night long I needed plenty of luck to get there!!!! My biggest mistake....not knowing Wes was all-in when I made my final push...not that I would have lasted longer but I would much rather have been first in! :)
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    I'll post more once I've calmed down.

    We're supposed to post more?

    Well in that case: Having busted out of the last two forum tournaments I've played making a move on the BB..only to have them wake up with a hand-

    I solemnly swear to never try to steal fact from this point on I refuse to play anything but monsters.

    If you believe me kindly respond immediately- so I know who to come over the top of in the next one ;)

    Actually I AM wondering today about my last hand -q-9o shove from the button..not sure where to post it- General Poker chat?
  • General chat or ask the TV commentators for input would be good

  • Nice playing with you Kristy. If I had matched the name to the forum name I might have been more cautious heading into the final table, as you very nicely left me short stacked. There certainly wasn't anything wrong with your final move. You can't let the blinds simply eat you up.

    I hope Steve feels better now at least at my taking him out with J9s vs AK. Lets call it karma for him eliminating me at Ranger's WSOP tourney.
  • Congrats Moose on taking down the Bristol Classic. You've come a long way from playing euchre at clark hall pub with me. Damn I wish I could make it out to more of Rob's tourney's but Wednesday nights really really don't work for me.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    We're supposed to post more?

    I solemnly swear to never try to steal fact from this point on I refuse to play anything but monsters.

    I believe you. But that won't stop me from playing my 2 4 suited against ya. :)
  • Ok, I'm awake. Kind of.

    I'll post a few hands and you can slam my plays if you wish.

    I get to the final table 2nd in chips. Lucky me. About 21k but M of around 7 so I can't afford to sit around and it is clear neither can anyone else.

    Blinds are maybe 1200/600 with 100 ante at this point? As I recall, there was around 3k in the pot before the cards are dealt.

    First hand, I'm on the button. Chip leader Kristy (30k?) UTG raises to 5k. Folded to me. I look down and what do I see but QQ. I really did not want to bust out on the first hand but I decided to push. Kristy folds and shows AT. Good laydown. Hey - new chip leader at the table!

    A couple of hands later, I decide to start 'bitch slapping' the table as is the priviledge of any good chip leader. I pick up AT in MP and open for 5k. Folded to Wes in the BB who pushes for about 10k more. Wes had a pretty aggressive image leading up to the final table and we'd just had a aggro push heads up match the night before in the freeroll so I was thinking he put me on some kind of medium strength hand looking to steal and would try to resteal with a wide range of hands. I figured there was still a good chance he had a better hand than mine but with approx 2.5-1 pot odds and the chance to become a dominant chip leader it was worth challeging pretty much anything but AA. I call and he flips over AJ. Board comes KJK (ouch) A (woohoo - chop!) then J (ouch again). NH.

    A few hands later, I pick up KT. Maybe in the BB. Player to my left (Morty?)pushes for maybe 2 more BBs. I believe I was getting at least 2-1 to call. He flips over AK. Ouch. NH.

    A short time later on the short-ish stack (3xBB?) I'm looking for a chance to get first into the pot with a decent hand. I pick up A5s in EP and push only to be called by the BB with KQo. Of course he hits 2pr. NH. IGHN.

    At least I enjoyed a brief moment in the sunshine.
  • Yea, but Greg...

    Did you have the set?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Yea, but Greg...

    Did you have the set?


    sorry Mark, I don't really remember...

    you gotta wonder if I really wanted to bust out that early by pushing with anything sub-par?

    good laydown!
  • Did anyone bring a blue Nalgene water bottle with them that they might've left behind?
  • Probably Tom, he left one of those at one of my tournies a few weeks back.

  • westside8 wrote: »
    Did anyone bring a blue Nalgene water bottle with them that they might've left behind?


    It's mine.

    I'll pick it up in the future.

  • 8ball wrote: »

    It's mine.

    I'll pick it up in the future.


    Sounds like a plan!

  • Thanks again Rob, I always have a good time at your games, happy to have been able to attend two in a row!

  • Another great Bristol, Rob!

    I was lucky enough to last until the FT bubble with a mirco stack. I should have been eliminated much earlier when I was All-In holding :kd :qd. Fortunately, I sucked out both callers with a running flush, and triple+ up.

    Then morty laid one me, beating my AJ with his KQ!

    Congrats to moose and the other moniers.

    Thanks again, Rob.

  • Hey Rob...Thanks for a great game...I had a great time.....Lots of Laughs....
  • Congrats to Moose and the other final table-ists.

    I guess the POY is ON!

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