Team poker

Hey guys,

I'm looking for some feedback on a tourney I am thinking of running. It would be two weeks from now for WPC IV, Saturday Nov. 4th. I think it will be different from any other poker tournament you've played in before. Instead of one player per stack... two players share the same chips and same cards. So there are a number of things to consider.
  1. Do players take turns playing hands, or do they come up with a mutual decision for each action? I prefer the latter.
  2. Should teams be assigned randomly, or should players sign up as a pair? Again, I prefer the latter.
  3. Does anything else about the format of the standard tourney need to be adjusted to fit this style of play? I was thinking 5 teams (10 players) per table.
  4. Since it is a "team" poker event, should collusion between teams be allowed? I don't think so... but I think it might naturally happen just based on the conversation that will be going on between partners.
  5. Any other potential issues come to mind?
Buyin will be $10 per player, so $20 per team... for a semi-deepstack tourney, depending on the # of teams participating.

So who wants to be my partner? Don't forget... WPC is rigged (in my favour ;))



  • I think that sounds like it will be hillarious! I hope I can play.

    The mutual agreement not only adds to the fun..but also adds a level of complexity to the do you talk about your hands with your partner etc. Much more interesting, and less dead time.

    I would also vote to byoP (bring your own partner) though I could see the fun in the other option of random assignment as well.

    The chips aren't even cold from the $5 rebuy and you've already got another great idea..I think this sounds awesome! Hope there are lots of entrants (and that I can talk the one person I know who plays into being my partner...maybe I won't tell him about my 6/5o to your KK)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    The chips aren't even cold from the $5 rebuy and you've already got another great idea.
    There's plenty more where this came from!

  • Greg,

    Braad and I talked about an event like this last year but never got around to it.

    I think that one player should play the odd rounds and one player should play the even rounds.

    In this system, you would also have a red card, where you are in the middle of a hand you are allowed to ask your partner for help.

    Also have another card that would allow a tag, where I can go out for the round and my partner finishes the round. So if I ahve been playing odd rounds all day and I use the yellow card now partner plays odd rounds and I play even rounds.

    Just my thoughts

    And greg, I will be your partner.
  • that sounds a lot more 'serious' than I had originally envisioned it to be. If you're going to give up control of the game completely on off rounds it should DEFINATELY be byoP.
  • That does sound like lots of fun... I agree with Kristy about not making it to serious... Could be fun the have your own partner .. But also a good way for people to get to really know each other is have a draw to who your partner would be... And i beleive the fun of it would be the talk with your partner over hands... although talking to Joe, his big question was how do you talk about hands with your parnter at the table.. So picking your own partner for that reason would be good... you could have your own little code going on about certain hands...

    I do like the idea.. very much.. So hopefully i am only working in the morning that day and can come out...
  • i think that the level of seriousness is very dependant on the buy in of the event... i think no matter what this $10 buy in tourney won't be that serious, and the partner thing will be very fun...
  • specialK wrote: »
    i think that the level of seriousness is very dependant on the buy in of the event... i think no matter what this $10 buy in tourney won't be that serious, and the partner thing will be very fun...

    I personally vote for upping the entry fee to $12.50/person to up the seriousness of it :)
  • So Brent If I can make it up there you don't whant to be my partner. Hey Greg (Poker Face) maybe you will be able to be my PARTNER for this event.

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote: »
    So Brent If I can make it up there you don't whant to be my partner. Hey Greg (Poker Face) maybe you will be able to be my PARTNER for this event.

    Cam, thanks a lot for the offer. Sorry but my dance card is already filled.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Cam, thanks a lot for the offer. Sorry but my dance card is already filled.

    I understand LOL
  • game on?

    i go with:
    1/ mutual decision
    2/ sign up as a pair
    3/ 5 teams per table ok
    4/ i don't get the advantage of collusion here
    5/ potential bloodbath on those 'questionable' plays
  • The real question is, who wants to be my partner?!

    You know you want to!
  • I would be willing to be your partner Braad. I can see the argument..... But I saw one card and it was a 2..... I had to push Joe...... But the other wasn't a three so you could have made a smalll 10 x the BB raise. I knew the A was no good..... seee
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    game on?

    Does this mean you will be playing? Going out in the sea; you can drown and coughing up sea water is nasty.

    Prophet 22
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    game on?

    Does this mean you will be playing? Going out in the sea; you can drown and coughing up sea water is nasty.

    Prophet 22

    lol...just don't swallow
  • Does this mean you will be playing? Going out in the sea; you can drown and coughing up sea water is nasty.
    if you wear a life jacket, you can have a lot of fun with a boat as long as it isn't too rough and not blowing too hard...

    wtf were we talking about? oh ya, i would like to play.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    if you wear a life jacket, you can have a lot of fun with a boat as long as it isn't too rough and not blowing too hard...

    wtf were we talking about? oh ya, i would like to play.

    just me being stupid

    Prophet 22
  • Sounds like an awsome idea..
    I like the byoP.. its way better.
    Hopefully this will work becuase me and my bro arel definetly be in!
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I would be willing to be your partner Braad. I can see the argument..... But I saw one card and it was a 2..... I had to push Joe...... But the other wasn't a three so you could have made a smalll 10 x the BB raise. I knew the A was no good..... seee

    Joe I think we would make a killer team, I say we play passave and throw them all off! "cheers:
  • sounds great! Just for thought... my friends and I play "team poker" when were all sauced up and it runs like this... we split up into teams of two (8 people 4 teams per table) everyone gets there own stacks but you are allowed to "coach" your teammate, give him your reads, trash talk, two on one tactics the sky's the limit!!! If your eliminated you can remain at the table and help your partner Last player standing wins it for his team! either way ill be looking for more info on this!
  • Ooh I like that... each player on the team gets their own stack.

    I will be running a team poker event in late November or early December. I am busy with school right now and waiting to find out some key due dates before I can pick a date for the tourney.

  • One league had a team tournament. Each two-member team got one stack and they take turns playing every 15 minutes. The two players had to be relatives and were not allowed to talk to each other during play.

    In an upcoming tournament, the two partners do not have to be related to each other. While I think the format can be improved, I will probably play and will be looking for a partner to win the money.
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