CHPC Friday Night (Cheap) SNG's/Ring Games

Some cheap fun at the CHPC Friday night (Friday the 20th).

Anyone up for some cheap sng's or ring games?

8 max lemme know who's interested.

1. Cancelled

p.s. (I have sent out some emails so replying will not gaurantee a seat.) :D


  • Fri no good. How about Sat?

    ps put the date in your header. Your two threads confused me until I read both and then reread this one.
  • Friday is iffy with me also.

    Saturday much better.

    I can host too, Eric, if Jo wants/needs the house!

  • Eric, count me in man! Definately up for somd dealers choice and if anyone wants to get some dice practice in before the LMO. :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Friday is iffy with me also.

    Saturday much better.

    I can host too, Eric, if Jo wants/needs the house!


    Sorry guys, would love to play Saturday but work has a box rented for the Leaf game!!!!

    This Friday is okay at my house but if we can't get the people we can certainly shoot for next week.

    Moose, I'll delete my previous post....left the date off just in case it wouldn't fly this week then I could just edit this post instead of posting a new hindsight that was kinda dumb :)
  • NP. Easy solution: just edit the header.
  • Sorry E, plans with the wife Friday night, then g2's Rebuy on Saturday.

    Next week? I can also host, if need be.

    See you at softball tomorrow.

  • Well, looks like this week is a bust as well. Things have changed for me as well this week so I must cancel.

    Maybe next week or the week after.

  • BOOO!

    Stop teasing me!

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