Friday Night - Cambridge at Folded's CANCELLED

Hey guys;

Time to host at the new pad.  Looking to have a $50 freezeout with standards blinds, etc followed by some $1/$2 NL afterward.  (min $50, max$200) PM me if your interested.  Looking at having 10 people.

We will start at 730pm

1 Folded
2 Shopsy
3 Larry "Wine Man"
4 Prophet 22


  • It"s about time
  • Oh, and put Haddon down as a maybe.....
  • O.K. you rookies! Uncle Larry is in. Do you have a 'Wine Bar'? I'll need the address. Do I have to bring the TABLE DANCERS this time?, they have lots of wrinkles!
    The 'Wine Man'
  • CorEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

    I can't make it until likely 9:30. Did you say something about a cash game??? How can I miss a game with 'dad' and 'flushy'? I'd be happy to donate...

    I'd love to get a look at how my table is coming along anyway. I need your address.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:

    I can't make it until likely 9:30. Did you say something about a cash game??? How can I miss a game with 'dad' and 'flushy'? I'd be happy to donate...

    Who"s this Flushy guy you speak of ???
  • shopsy wrote:
    Who"s this Flushy guy you speak of ???
    some chaser who has recently come into a lot of money
  • pkrfce9 wrote:

    I can't make it until likely 9:30. Did you say something about a cash game??? How can I miss a game with 'dad' and 'flushy'? I'd be happy to donate...

    Sure it won't be to late for ya?  Better bring the pizza with ya, hate for you to take another 2 hours before you really get settled in the cash game.  lol

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Brent
    You are a very BAD boy!
    As you know - good food always takes longer to prepare!!!!and deliver, piping hot!!!!, not to mention it was very dark outside and difficult to find the way back.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • LOL

    Brent, how are you in 2 places at once? My alternate choice is the Airport Club.
  • What time Cory????

    I have a commitment early in the evening.
  • Hobbes wrote:
    What time Cory????

    I have a commitment early in the evening.

    I was thinking 730 ish. What time can you make it?
  • Folded, can you PM the direction?

  • Anyone else interested?  We have 4 for sure.  Maybe 5 with Hobbes and Greg is coming around 930.  A couple more would be nice.
  • Cory

    Are you going to put a number and timeline before cancellation?

  • Just not enough interest in my fish tank. Sorry guys
  • That sucks!! I guess that means Shopsy will have trouble getting a game next week.

    The Falls awaite.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Just as well. The cash game at the Airport Club was HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE! :D

    Thanks for trying, Cory.
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