OK, i have been following this thread and the other ones havig to do with the home games section. There seems to be a few people who are confused where the line is drawn between "home games" and "non-home games".
:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: THIS INFURIATES ME!!! :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:
to end the confusion, here is the mother F*#king line!
If your game is held in the basement, or kitchen, or living room of your HOME, with or without rake, it is a home-game.
Now, if you rent a unit, or a hall, or a bar, IT'S NOT A HOME GAME!!!.
The REAL problem
The real problem is not that the non-home games posters are using the home games section to post. The real probem is that there is not a section designed for them specificaly. now, seeing as they have nowhere for their posts, they are using the closest thing! Who can really fault them for using the best vehicle available? (their constant bumping and rule breaking aside of course, we love you beanie!)
here is the solution:
instead of spliting the home games section into "home games" and "non-home games", rethink the section name from the start.
The section should be changed form Home games, to LIVE GAMES.
GREAT!, now that we have that established, can we now all agree that each of these games actually fall under that category? All of these games are in fact LIVE games, right?
Here's where the difference is made. Make 2 different "Sub-sections". Home game, and non-home games. if someone posts a game where they are having it in their home, but are taking a rake, so be it. they ave the right to post there. but lets say the airport club postsin the actual home games section. BANNED!!!  BOOYAH!!
ok, now i see alot of the non-home games fellers getting mad. "people are just going to ignor our posts and we wont get the exposure we need"
oh yeah? well too bad baby! if someone WANTS to read about your "$120 double shootout freezout W/Rebuys for the first 3 hours", they will visit the "non-home games" section.
To conclude this massive post i have made, Itruly home this goes into effect soon.
there is nothing to argue about here. Your game is either in your home, or it isnt. The fact that most (if not all) non-home games are raked, is coincidental.
any takers on a debate with this one?
ya. i say the line is between raked and non-raked.
DISAGREE!! with John's comments, not Greg's
If a game is RAKED, no matter if it's in a bar, club, hall, unit, or in someone's home, IT'S NOT A HOME GAME!!! Any place that profits in any way from the game, other than winning, should not be considered a home game, imho.
A home game is one that a player wishes to announce to hold, in their own residence, without a rake, and they invite others to participate, solely for recreational purposes, and not make a profit for the residence itself.
By this definition, even league games would be considered non-home games, as we do take a portion of all buyins, however it is held in trust for the final Tournament at the end of the season. Regardless, it's a LEAGUE game, and NOT a home game by the above definition, even though it is held in a members home.
just because a player has a distatse for the RAKE, does not mean it is not a home game. if it's a game played in your home, it's a freakin HOME GAME.
A guy runs a $1/$2 NL ring game form his home every friday night. he invites his friends and even some of his firend's friends to come play each and every friday night. it is a regular game where players analyse each others play, and drink a few beers, and have a bunch of laughs. is this a home game? DAMN RIGHT. now the guy running this game out of his basement each and every friday night decides to run a high hand jackpot where he gives away a prize to the highest hand played throughout the night. simply because he is giving prizes away does this negate the fact it is a home game? NO!! now, the guy running this game takes a miniscule rake ($1/pot over $20) to cover the cost fo the prize, not to line his pockets. Does this negate the fact is is a home game? NO!!!! it is a friendly game held in his basement with friends. one very small detai,l is that he has a very small rake to cover the cost of the high hand jackpot prize.
the game is held in his home, it is a home game. he is able to advertise it as a home game!
GTA Poker
I agree with Lamb, a rake makes it a club game
No need to get all huffy John, just a difference of opinion between you and me.
My opinion...Rack = Club game
Rackfree = Home game
Lamb_of_john wrote
just because a player has a distatse for the RAKE, does not mean it is not a home game. if it's a game played in your home, it's a freakin HOME GAME.
A guy runs a $1/$2 NL ring game form his home every friday night. he invites his friends and even some of his firend's friends to come play each and every friday night. it is a regular game where players analyse each others play, and drink a few beers, and have a bunch of laughs. is this a home game? DAMN RIGHT. now the guy running this game out of his basement each and every friday night decides to run a high hand jackpot where he gives away a prize to the highest hand played throughout the night. simply because he is giving prizes away does this negate the fact it is a home game? NO!! now, the guy running this game takes a miniscule rake ($1/pot over $20) to cover the cost fo the prize, not to line his pockets. Does this negate the fact is is a home game? NO!!!! it is a friendly game held in his basement with friends. one very small detai,l is that he has a very small rake to cover the cost of the high hand jackpot prize.
the game is held in his home, it is a home game. he is able to advertise it as a home game!
I don't really see this as a 'rake' John. The guy isn't keeping the money, it is put aside to be paid out.
I'd have a real issue with a 'buddy' taking a chunk of every pot while playing and keeping it for himself.
Now, if people want to make a small donation to cover costs for a home game, it is a grey area but I don't have a huge problem with that. I'll often chip in a small chunk of my winnings to my host at home tourneys. (Um, assuming there are some winnings...) Others should, too and I believe most do.
I went to what I thought was a home game near the beaches. His post said something like "friendly homegame".
It was upstairs in a home but the rake was 10%, $6 max on 1/2 NL. I don't mind a small rake at a home game but that was too much for a non-professional place. IMO, if rake is over 5%, $5 max, then it isn't a homegame (even if it's in a home).
Flint Bones
I think a rake is a rake is a rake is a rake.
Just because you happen to use your home as a club does not make it a home game. Some raked games in homes have a professional dealer, free booze and other amenities. The name of the home game isn't someone's name but a club name. How is this not a club game? Just because the runner of the club happens to sleep above it?
sorry if i sounded liek i was jumping on your post flint, i wasnt trying to be a jerk-ass.
all i'm saying is that making 2 different sections (home games, and non-home games), will solve the problem that this very post is all about. people will be able to read all the friendly games being held liek zithals, beanies, etc.. without the clutter of lets say the airport club or the other games that woudl not be allowed to post in the home games section. sure, soem people will be posting 1 or 2 games played form their home that take rake, but oh well, no bigge compared to the overload of posts that are meaningless to the vast majority of people looking for non-raked games.
I agree with HP_John that a 10% rake is too much for a game in somebody's home. I once played in somebody's home where this so-called friend charged 20% rake for each tournament. The host was already guaranteed to make a profit no matter how badly he played in his own tournament! To add insult to injury, he won the first tournament then charged the same 20% rake for the second tournament. :rage: Fortunately for me, I won it so I was the only visitor that managed not to lose money that night. Even the second place winners in the tournaments lost money because of the high rake.
As for the "Home games" section, the administrators have already been given good solutions, including from Lamb_of_John and beanie42. Somebody just needs to act on it.
HP_John wrote
I went to what I thought was a home game near the beaches. His post said something like "friendly homegame".
It was upstairs in a home but the rake was 10%, $6 max on 1/2 NL. I don't mind a small rake at a home game but that was too much for a non-professional place. IMO, if rake is over 5%, $5 max, then it isn't a homegame (even if it's in a home).
What happened to thread jail?
Nusch for example has 3 threads on the 1st page, one each advertising Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
This is spam and needless thread bumping.
So it seems that everyone agrees......
So why has nothing been done about it......
It seems the split is what the forum members want.....
Rake makes it not a home game.
How bout having a "raked" section and a"non rake" section?
ChrisWinsor wrote
Rake makes it not a home game.
How bout having a "raked" section and a"non rake" section?
What a unique idea ;)
Flint Bones
Greg = funny
8 out of top ten post in "home games" are club games. As I said it seems that everyone agrees that they want a split, plus it would reduce the amout clubs "bump" their posts due to home games will not be popping ahead of them.
PS. I enjoy that once someone posts in this thread something is posted in sitefeedback to knock this down again
Thank you CPF-man :D
Thanks for the split