SacKaJaWeeD;224407 wroteIf you start to go on the higher end tables(I.E. 100/200 blinds) You won't see any of it. Just the fact that I was beaten twice within an hour period w/4 of a kind pocket aces is a HUGE signal. I understand bad beats. I understand that they happen more often because of the fast pace of internet play. But its BS when you take one bad beat over and over for a period of 2 hours after you just got done cleaning out people on skill alone.
You are misinterpreting things. At higher levels, its much more uncommon for someone to river their 2 outer, because overall, they are better, and are less likely to put themselves in a position where they are virtually drawing dead. At low stakes, you see more bad players making bad calls, and you have more opportunity to run into crazier variance. Want an example of a 1 outer at high level, HSP, DN flops set over set 66 v. 55 of gus hansen. hansen hits quads. tv poker is rigged right, bad beats dont happen at levels that high according to you.
Its so easy to remember bad beats, and when you go all in set under set and make your quads, you thought process after the hand is something like "bout time i suck out" and then you forget about it completely.
Poker has variance, if you cant accept that fact, then go play tic tac toe.