pokerdro wrote
As for sites being rigged well we all do have our opinions on that and although I have mine I am not going to call everyone stupid that go against my beliefs. If that's the type of person you are then that's fine I will respect.Â
I trust that you know me well enough not to take my comments as an attack or insult, so I'll assume your response is for other posters. My question was legitimate though, I am seriously curious why you would actually play on a site you believe is rigged?
GTA Poker
pokerdro wrote
GTA Poker wrote
I believe that you stated in a thread about a month ago that you KNEW that online sites were rigged and yet you chose to keep playing on them. So why are you bitching now? Are they now more rigged than a month ago or do you feel stupid for playing on sites that you are certain are rigged?
I am not bitching at all actually. I found the hand to be a joke and posted it on here. I email support on occasion to see what they have to say about their site. As for sites being rigged well we all do have our opinions on that and although I have mine I am not going to call everyone stupid that go against my beliefs. If that's the type of person you are then that's fine I will respect. We all know you only play $300 heads up games 25 tabling with a 98% win rate so we could all learn a lot from you.
Don't be bitchy and bitter at the same time, it just isn't becoming. I apologize for making money playing online on other sites which are not rigged. I'm also sorry that you cannot objectively realize the outright idiocy of repeatedly stating that a site is rigged and continuing to play there.
I can't believe how far this thread has gone. The fact you think one of the leaders in a billion dollar industry is "scaming for rake" is just ignorant. Its simple risk to reward. They gain VERY little from "rigging the deck" and lose MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of dollars if the software is found to be "rigged". Use your head.
beanie42 wrote
pokerdro wrote
Don't worry right after that hand I went straight to the cashier and withdrew my funds.
No offense Sandro, but I'm a bit confused. Â Last year you posted:
IMO This site is rigged for rake there is no doubt about it.
I am almost out of this site just 50 FFP until I get a bonus and I am gone. Â Live is where it's at and where I will focus most of my attention. Â Â
While I don't believe PokerStars is rigged, you seem to. Â So what caused you to go back after you withdrew your money last year?
Trevor I would say the main reason is that I am a poker addict and need help. The other reasons would be continously making money as well as some good old fashion bonus whoring.Â
In the end this post was more of a look at this call and subsquent bad beat more then anything. Â I love to put the rigged twist on it because the likes of BBC, GTA and Monteroy can add their wonderful knowledge and cut downs to make them feel almighty and give themselves a sense of worth. Â
I hope g2's is not rigged tonight.
pokerdro wrote
 I love to put the rigged twist on it because the likes of BBC, GTA and Monteroy can add their wonderful knowledge and cut downs to make them feel almighty and give themselves a sense of worth. Â
Seriously, dude, what kind of BULLSH*T are you peddling? That's not your intention, never was. You're just trying to cover your ego now.
pokerdro wrote
I hope g2's is not rigged tonight.
It is, trust me. How else would the host be the points leader ;)
Over under 3 days until we see 'pokerdro' disappear and 'PunkyDro' or "PokerMisha" shows up and starts the exact same rigging thread again.. Can we short-circuit the 3 month waiting period and just get it all out here?
What's with the anger guys? Â Where's the love? Â :D
GTA Poker
pokerdro wrote
beanie42 wrote
pokerdro wrote
Don't worry right after that hand I went straight to the cashier and withdrew my funds.
No offense Sandro, but I'm a bit confused. Last year you posted:
IMO This site is rigged for rake there is no doubt about it.
I am almost out of this site just 50 FFP until I get a bonus and I am gone. Live is where it's at and where I will focus most of my attention.
While I don't believe PokerStars is rigged, you seem to. So what caused you to go back after you withdrew your money last year?
Trevor I would say the main reason is that I am a poker addict and need help. The other reasons would be continously making money as well as some good old fashion bonus whoring.
In the end this post was more of a look at this call and subsquent bad beat more then anything. I love to put the rigged twist on it because the likes of BBC, GTA and Monteroy can add their wonderful knowledge and cut downs to make them feel almighty and give themselves a sense of worth.
I hope g2's is not rigged tonight.
Was your email to support all part of the plan? Damn, you really got me on this one...kudos. You need to stop crying like a schoolgirl and grow a pair. Do you think I need poker to give myself a feeling of self-worth? Poker is a hobby for me -- one at which I happen to make a bit of money. I am not addicted like you profess to be and I do not use poker to make myself feel better than anyone. If you post a question then I will try and give some advice. If you post repeatedly about sites being rigged and continue playing at those sites then you either have a gambling problem or aren't very intelligent. If the former is the case then I apologize, but you didn't seem to ask for help regarding that. If the latter is the case then at least stop posting about your rigged hands on here.
I wouldn't dump on Dro just because he's posting this question and/or making the allegation. Â I believe Harthgosh was also on the bandwagon a long time ago and was going to offer up numbers as to why it was rigged. Â If no one has thought they were cheated while playing, I think they'd be nuts.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are many who think it's rigged, because they can't cheat the system and win. Â You know the JJprodigy et all. Â I think this is far more common and more likely than any site cheating. Â However, I don't think it's widespread and/or making the game unbeatable.
Anyone who's played enough hands will realize these seemingly improbable things will happen. Â The odds of the beat on Dro happening are not that bad or insurmountable. Â The odds are never, ever anywhere near the odds of winning the 649. Â Yet, Â most often there are three winners every week (7/49 as well). Â If I offered anyone $100 to walk across the street where the odds would be the same as getting hit by a car as it would take to make a runner/runner straight flush based on 1 exact card coming on the turn and 1 exact coming on the river in that exact sequence, I don't think anyone would take up the offer. Â The odds of 1 exact card and then the other is 2070 to 1. Â While the odds are high against going runner runner like that, they are not improbable.
My session at Brantford yesterday was very similar to the Pokerstars phenomenon. Â All it look was three loose fish in the game, and another three tilting guys to make for an interesting game. Â My aces got cracked twice by runner runner cards where the person who won called three bets cold pre-flop and two bets cold on the flop with no draw on the flop. Â My pocket sevens cracked by the same scenario. Â JT vs T8 got beat by an 8 on the river (we both had a ten on the flop). Â AJ two pair, got beat on a boar of AK8J8 with my opponent holding 78 and calling 2 bets cold pre-flop and going into a raising war on the the flop. Â My KT beat by K9. Â My KQ suited which made trips and a flush draw on the turn beat by a runner runner straight with the guy beating me having NO draw on the flop. QQ beat by AT with the ace on the turn. Â QQ beat by JJ on a runner runner flush. Â On that last hand, I just said tapped the felt and said "hey, it's not my day, gook luck everyone". Â
After many, many hands, it's quite realistic to hit some very strange bumps along the way. Â When I first started playing NL tournaments I figured out the odds of me losing the way I did and it was astronomical. Â It was ridiculous. Â However, I realized I sucked (I'm not saying anyone sucks -- just ME at that time), and I sucked it up. Â I worked at my game harder and harder. Â And bam I won my entry into the WSOP and bam I won more and more in NL tournaments.
Your brain will want to believe it's rigged. Â Over and over, seemingly impossible things happen. Â Well, they're not IMPROBABLE and in fact, if you look closely the odds are not that bad. Â Do they happen more in one place than another. Â Well, maybe. Â But that just tells you you're in a good game. Â If you go look at the play money tables, this wacky stuff happens all the time. Â Are the play money tournaments rigged as well?
Also, I would look in the most likely place for cheating.  Examine your opponents closely, as the odds of them cheating are astronomically greater than the sites  or Brantford Charity Casinos.
Big E I have to post a hand that threw me into a rage.....
playing live, 4 players left to the money, I'm in the small blind with ATo and both players call to me, I go all-in for 1900 (blinds 100/200 and I'm 4th and very close to third). The BB calls 1800 with K4o...K4o....yes, that's K4o? Flop is something like 9T5 rainbow...sweet live poker is rigged, turn a 4, river a 4 and I'm out on the bubble. I lost it and I'm embarrassed to admit it, I walked away and actually threw something.
I think the bottom line is we're all competitive, we all like to win, and we all would like to believe when we put all our chips on the line ahead we want to come out on top...however it is not always to be. I can completely understand what Sandro did, it is very tough for some people to deal with these bad beats...and it's easy to question anything on the internet. I'm firmly believe the on-line poker sites are legit it doesn't make it any easier to take!
For myself, I was so embarrassed at how I reacted at the live game, a game I am playing with people I like and respect, a game where my outburst was completely childish that I really am going to force myself to deal with situations like this in a different way and try to keep everything in it's proper perspective...I mean it was a $10 game for crying out loud!
Anyways, I think my point here is that bad beats happen when you play this game, you have to find a way to deal with them that will not affect the way you feel about yourself or the way your friends feel about you...and if you firmly do believe a site is not on the up and up then stay away from it, don't put yourself in a position like this.
I also believe that sometimes it helps posting the bad beats if just to say, check out what happened to me last night? I don't think it's healthy for anyone to dump on someone posting such a thing as long as their OP is within the forums rules and guidelines.
Lot's of love Shannon lot's of love.
I am hijacked my own thread!!!
I changed the subject line because I need to know does this game cause everyone to get this angry or is it something else? Â Is it possible my topic is that stupid it sparks this much hate? Possible. Sad if it does but I will accept it if that's the cause.
People jump in with insults and "BS this" and "idiot that" and I am left to wonder what is this world coming too. Â There were many other threads in the last month that I refrained from commenting on that were just full of hate and insults that it was scary.
Any thoughts  ???  Is it the game?
I will save the forum from any more unnecessary bad beat hands and rigged online posts. I apologize for bringing it up. I will keep it to myself.
Have a good weekend
I read your post as I was typing. Â Very well said and you are right. Â In any particular hand the worst of draws are never millions to 1 even thou it may feel that way.
beanie42 wrote
pokerdro wrote
I hope g2's is not rigged tonight.
It is, trust me. How else would the host be the points leader ;)
You MAY want to double check the latest point leader there beanie...
Someone MUCH more deserving.
DrTyore wrote
You MAY want to double check the latest point leader there beanie...
Someone MUCH more deserving.
WOW - that C&C fund must be overflowing ;)
beanie42 wrote
DrTyore wrote
You MAY want to double check the latest point leader there beanie...
Someone MUCH more deserving.
WOW - that C&C fund must be overflowing ;)
It's doing pretty good... ;)
I just got back from a psychology lecture that I think is relevant here. The class was all about the self, and one thing the prof spoke about was what we in western culture attribute our successes and failures to. Very simple, when we succeed its because we are great and when we fail it is because of our environment, something we can't control. In eastern cultures this is not true. When they succeed they focus on who helped them get there, and when they fail the blame themselves for not trying hard enough.
Pokerdo, my point is that the other thousand times you get all in like that and win you think you made a great play and deserved to win. The one time you lose to runner runner its not your fault and you need something to blame for losing, so therefor the site must be rigged.
And don't try to combat this argument by saying that no one else on the forum blames the site for being rigged when they lose so I must be wrong. When I lose a hand like that (I'm assuming others here think generally the same thing), I blame probability. Although its not so much "blaming" as it is accepting that 1 in 100 times I'm going to lose to a two outer or whatever on the river. I think you just need understand that "unlikely" and "impossible" don't mean the same thing.
zero wrote
I just got back from a psychology lecture that I think is relevant here. The class was all about the self, and one thing the prof spoke about was what we in western culture attribute our successes and failures to. Very simple, when we succeed its because we are great and when we fail it is because of our environment, something we can't control. In eastern cultures this is not true. When they succeed they focus on who helped them get there, and when they fail the blame themselves for not trying hard enough.
Pokerdo, my point is that the other thousand times you get all in like that and win you think you made a great play and deserved to win. The one time you lose to runner runner its not your fault and you need something to blame for losing, so therefor the site must be rigged.
Very relevent and very true, interesting to boot!
zero wrote
I just got back from a psychology lecture that I think is relevant here. The class was all about the self, and one thing the prof spoke about was what we in western culture attribute our successes and failures to. Very simple, when we succeed its because we are great and when we fail it is because of our environment, something we can't control. In eastern cultures this is not true. When they succeed they focus on who helped them get there, and when they fail the blame themselves for not trying hard enough.
Pokerdo, my point is that the other thousand times you get all in like that and win you think you made a great play and deserved to win. The one time you lose to runner runner its not your fault and you need something to blame for losing, so therefor the site must be rigged.
Good point. Â Something to think about. Â Thanks
zero wrote
Very simple, when we succeed its because we are great and when we fail it is because of our environment, something we can't control.
the other thousand times you get all in like that and win you think you made a great play and deserved to win. The one time you lose to runner runner its not your fault and you need something to blame for losing, so therefor the site must be rigged.
This is so interesting! I think we all tend to forget to pots where we're the ones to squeak by on a two-outer and catch our miracle card on the river.
It's easy to get frustrated when it happens (especially when you're on a bad streak)....but zero is right. It's probability, and in the long run, if you're in with the best of it, you'll come out on top.
The reason these bad beat/rigged posts get flamed is because for the most part they are a repeat of the type of post may of us have seen over and over and over.
Noone likes a bad beat and it is a natural reaction to want to let the world know to seek comfort. I post a bad beat once in a while, we all do.
However, once a person makes that transition to blaming rigged sites is when it gets really tiring and frustrating, because they never have the statistics or any real logic behind their emotional arguements.
Most of the time it is what it is, like in this case when a bad player playing badly gets lucky. It happens. I have been in heads up situation in a sit and go where my opponent wins 8 of 8 all ins always as an underdog usually dominated. Strange things can and will happen, in fact if strange things never happened that would be extremely strange.
Instead of reacting in a hyper emotional way (emailing support, taking your money out) while proclaiming a site is rigged after a single bad beat, why not sit back and try to think of the logic behind the accusations.
Why would Pokerstars rig a low level buy in Sit and Go? They already have their rake, it makes them no extra money.
Why would they rig it to screw just you? Anyone who thinks this has a much greater sense of self importance then they should, given the immense amount of programming work needed to selectively hurt random low limit players (at no financial benefit to Stars).
The list can go on but it all leads to very unlikely, bizarre beliefs that are based on no logic whatsoever, beliefs that get very tiring to listen to when one has heard variations of them over and over and over.
The simple answer is usually the correct one. In this case a bad player got lucky. It happens in this game.