This isn't a big deal. This has never been a big deal. Everyone is correct, and I am not being sarcastic.
Hork and Beanie, both wise words. Thanks for the perspective. I had typed a whole thing explaining the basis of my rant, but in the end, you are both right.
My neigbour did have little yappy dogs. That actually gave me a moment of zen.
As far as asking members of BBC's social circle to add comments, I was really only curious if he's the same in person. I would like to believe that although I don't like how he says things online that he and I could be social or at least civil in person. I do have to deal with all kinds of people all the time and this is specifically something I like to check about myself - can I still be myself with people who I am not naturally drawn to.
I got sidetracked from my OP, to which I should really add Hork's words,
Hork42 wrote
I think as a group, we need to toughen up a bit. Take criticism as a building block... not everyone is going to sugarcoat it when you make a horrible play in your .5/1 NL hand, we're going to tell it how it is.
My only intent was to draw attention to the way we seem to be telling one another how bad our plays have been. I can say that you 'erred in your decision making', or I can call you a moron who doesn't know how to play poker and can't type. Both have the same 'constructive' part, but they also have different effects on the conversation and the tone of the forum.
I can't believe you're telling me that as a voluntary member of the forum I (or anyone else) must tolerate abuse while waiting for constructive criticsm. That seems a little much for any of us to swallow. In this case, Scotty had his fill of the crap people were feeding him. That was my motivation and my concern. Please read BBC's comment and honestly let me know if I reacted inappropriately to the tone as well as the content.
In any case, I have said my piece and am off to the sunshine state for some sun and R+R. I may post a trip report, although I sense it will be mostly slurred typing.
Cheers all!