I was recently banned from posting and PMs for 10 days. The explaination for this was this...
So, I was banned from from posting or sending personal messages on this forum. OK
reason was I cannot post for 10 days. What?!?! I don't understand.
Here is what happened. I tried using this forum in an intelligent way. I had information regarding the 2006 Degree Poker Championship. Instead of starting a 50th thread regarding this topic, and over-assuming the logic of some members, I used the infamous SEARCH button and found the pre-existing threads that mentioned the Degree Tournament. I then proceeded to post my new info in each of the results. I had assumed that someone coming to this forum looking for such information would naturally SEARCH for "Degree" and voila, there would be the most relevant info. Yes, this amounted to me posting the same info repeatedly, so I guess I was actually banned for spamming. From now on, I will continue to start new thread after new thread about previously discussed issues, even if I know it has already been started, duscussed and died.
Is poker legal in bars? Home games? Can you laydown KK pre-flop in a cash game? Any home games in KW? Anyone else think Hellmuth is an ass?