I'm at Brantford weekly now, and I find myself telling more and more people about CPF, and directing people here to join. I was thinking about it as I scribbled the address down again for someone on the weekend.......why not make business cards? Just something small with the logo and address, nothing fancy. It would be an easy way to spread the word and get more members. I know I'd hold on to some when I was there, and I'm sure some of the other forum regulars would too.
Sound like a good idea? Or does it make us look too much like 'Poker Hare Krishnas"? :wav:
Sounds as stupid as the guy giving out 2+2's site address to half the table last time I was in Niagara.
Do we have to educate the fish in the B&M now?
Are you that clueless you don't understand how poker is profitable?
I'm not sure why you always have to be so abrasive and tossing insults at everyone, or what exactly it is that you get out of it....but I won't bite and play the 'let's insult each other game' that you seem to bait everyone else into......
I'm not suggesting that you hand it out to everyone like an advertisement. But from time to time at the table, I end up sitting with someone I genuinely enjoy having at the table, and I strike up a conversation on a break or something. Most of the times that CPF comes up, it's when someone says something like "I live in KW but can't find a home game anywhere", and I direct them to the forum. I'm not saying that you hand everybody a card and say 'You have to go here - it's awesome!', but this is a resource for things like that, right?
If it happens so often you wanna flip someone a business card, then you do it too much.
but this is a resource for things like that, right?
There is also a time and a place for giving out information and the table isn't one of them.
I gotta agree with BBC on this one. If people randomly search the net and find this place because they're looking to learn the game, that's fine, but I'd never willingly give this info to the avg. person playing the game. If a friend asked for a site and was already a fairly competent player that'd likely be fine too. If the guys a yutz though, I want him to stay a yutz...
Ok - fair enough - I see your point(s)
I wasn't talking about 'the average person', or even giving it out 'at the table', but if it's a bad idea, then it's a bad idea. Thanks for the feedback.
but if it's a bad idea, then it's a bad idea.
Think of it along the same lines as after a donkey river's you and you feel the need to "educate" (or berate) the fish as to why he'll lose money over the long haul chasing those 2 outers. Probably not the best move in terms of EV... At least that's the way I see it...
Yeah, after all the trouble I went to to find the forum, what with the secret knock, and the tortuous initiation, I'd hate for someone else to find this place.
This isn't the Beach, it's the goddam internet.
I'll trust anyone to use their judgement in letting people know about the forum.
I think we all know that those fishes, me among them, who truly want to educate themselves about the game will do so, and the rest of them would never bother anyhow.
Yeah, after all the trouble I went to to find the forum, what with the secret knock, and the tortuous initiation, I'd hate for someone else to find this place.
Did someone hand you a business card at the table you were playing at? No? Then STFU and read the thread before you post. The discussion was never about people finding the forums on thier own.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling people about this forum, either at the poker table or elsewhere.
If you enjoy the forum and feel incluned to get the word out about it, I personally think that's great.
I agree with Furfy and Scotty, spread the word. There are a lot of people on here simply to find out about various home games, etc., and they could care less about the "education". Those who want to learn will probably find the forum anyway, and those who don't care will probably ignore it even if you point them to it. That said I'm selective with who I tell (which Furfy seems to be indicating) - if I don't want them over for a game, why bother referring them here.
That said, I think the business cards is a bit much. For the few times you do tell peope, if they're not bright enough to remember the url (or write it on a napkin), they probably aren't bright enough to use the internet anyway.
I'm not against spreading the word about this forum (or any other ones for that matter), but I think especially poker, where the majority of your "earnings" comes from the players with limited knowledge of the game, you got to pick and choose about who you want to spread the word to. If you happen to bump into someone that you feel you want to tel them about this forum, its not that hard to remember "pokerforum.ca", or even tell them to google Canada's Poker Forum.
Of course it's a given to be selective....that's what I was saying. I'm glad some people recognize that. And of course it really easy to remember pokerforum.ca. The logic all makes sense. I wasn't suggesting that the cards were a necessity, just maybe a little 'extra' step that would be kind of cool.
But that mock-up business card - MAN, I nearly pissed myself laughing when I saw that. Nice work!
What do you mean 'mock'? I got this card from BBC Z at a poker table at Niagara. I just scanned it in. How did you think i found the forum??
Haha, this thread is ridiculous.
I think telling people about the site is fine.
Business cards, I don't know. But informing others of where to find home games while giving this site more traffic, what is wrong with that?
But informing others of where to find home games while giving this site more traffic, what is wrong with that?
I know it's hard to believe that this place is more than just Home Game posts.. but every once in a while, the stars align in the sky and an enlightened discussion of poker strategy breaks out.
Honestly fella, you are a jerk off.
Lose the attitude man. Perhaps once in a while, the start align in the sky and you realize being a dick on a message board does not make you a superior being.
I don't see the problem with lots of people learning how to play poker and not be fish. You might have to sharpen your game once in a while and not get even a little sloppy, but that makes for better poker.
BBC Z, your tone and diction is rude and uncalled for. But whatever, I'm sure you are laughing behind your monitor, so enjoy.
I don't see the problem with lots of people learning how to play poker and not be fish. You might have to sharpen your game once in a while and not get even a little sloppy, but that makes for better poker.
Jaded asshole?