Just a weird one here perhaps. Sometimes when several guests and some people I know are online at CPF I will click on where it says 10 Users online, 5 guests online and it shows what each person is looking at or where they are on the forum. Anyway, tonight at 1330h I checked when there were only 5 members online and 17 guests. 10 guests were looking at peoples profiles, that seemed like a lot to me. Any thoughts?
These guests were probably web crawlers from a search engine.
As of right now, Google spiders are browsing a bunch of player profile pages.
Big E
ah man, not more about spiders, I hate spiders!!!!!
Make sure your email is private! Spams away spiders!
will the spiders be able to grab my email from the picture in the signature? or is it safe/unreadable?
your email is safe in that image Chris. That is a common way to prohibit 'spiders' from picking up your address.
another way is that you could type out your address like: 'johndoe at hotmail dot com' although i wouldn't be surprised if bots could translate these now.
In case anyone is wondering, the same goes for all sites, not just cpf :)