In light of all the bad beat posts...
I would like to suggest that a new board is added to the forum: the "Bad Beat" board. A few other forums have one and I think that it helps minimize the other boards seeing straight up bad beat stories and maximize the quality of responses to the poker strategy threads. I'm sure some people enjoy reading about terrible beats but if there was had a separate board then at least we all would have a choice.
You can tell me to shove it but I really think that some the hostility that flies around here is due to bad beat postings and I believe that a separate board would make this a better place.
I was thinking of that the other day...actually, just to laugh at some of the shit that happens...and so people don't think it only happens to them and more importantly so it doesn't clutter up the Ask Dave section.
Like last night in my SNG when I had...nope...won't do it here...
Only if you are never allowed to discuss strategies in the bad beat forum.
It can only consist of "I can't believe I lost" and a bunch of sympathetic replies.
No talk of how the game is unbeatable. No talk of pot odds and no justifying the villian.
Absolutely BBC_Z...simply a place to look...no "could I have gotten away from AA preflop heads up when I was shortstacked" etc...
BBC Z wrote
It can only consist of "I can't believe I lost" and a bunch of sympathetic replies.
So basically it would just be bad beats and nothing else.
IMO, hands requiring thought and comment can be better read and will probably garner more responses if separated from the bad beat posts...and may help some of the newer posters figure out the difference between the two.
May even cut down on some of the flaming wars that erupt and keep this a friendly place.
Great idea - a comedy thread :) Seriously though, I think it would definitely help stream-lining things. +1
The above is what I had in mind!
The vast majority of those who post (what some would call) bad beat stories on the forum are completely unaware that they are doing anything that may be annoying to others.
Essentially, most people do not know (or choose not to know) what a bad beat story is when they post one. After all, they posted it. That alone says they the poster is not acknowledging its true nature. Why would such a poster put their post in a "Bad Beat Story" forum section? They will post it in General Poker Chat, because that's the forum at the top of the list.
The real problem is classification of posts. I have my own idea of what a bad beat story looks like. Others have different ideas. Especially new players. Sometimes a legitimate hand analysis question does involve a bad beat. Sometimes bad beat stories are presented as bogus hand analysis posts. ("I should have mucked the Kings, right?")
Much better than relegating bad beat stories to their own forum section would be providing everyone the ability to hide/ignore threads. You see a bad beat story, you hit the ignore thread button. Unfortunately, this forum has no such feature AFAIK.
For now, use the "Report to moderator" feature if you see a really lame post (bad beat story or otherwise).
As for Dave Scharf's forum section, Dave is a Global Moderator, and generally king of his own castle. I will, on very rare occasions, move (or delete) a post from his thread that I feel might be better answered elsewhere (or thrown in the bin, respectively). However, since he also has the ability to move and delete the threads/posts himself, I would encourage him to fire at will.
sooooo...does that mean you think we should or shouldnt' add it? :)
I am always for whatever the group wants. If it doesn't take, we can always dissolve it.
Valid points ScottyZ.
You have managed to suck all the fun out of suck outs.
I thought it'd have been a fun thread. Maybe not.
sloth wrote
sooooo...does that mean you think we should or shouldnt' add it? :)
I think we should have a Bad Beat Stories section, and fill it up with discussions about pot odds in order to put BBC Z on tilt.
I think it would be good. Maybe instead of the meanings being extremely sarcastic to the posters (knowingly or not) of the bad beats they can just direct them to the proper board. I know I would like it cause than I would only have to read when I want to feel better :'(
What if there was a hand-analysis thread that was seperate from "Ask Dave"? I know that doesn't make a rant-about-how-stupid-everyone-else-is board, but that might help clear up questions versus hand history posts.
we all have bad beat stories, and sometimes you just need to vent
whether the forum is used properly or not, i think its still a good idea - it takes little effort to set up, and if no posts in it, then nothings been lost
also consider that some people genuinely enjoy reading these posts too
The_Main also states a good point...whether a new person realizes the forum set-up or even if they posting a bad beat period the people in the know will have a place post and read about beatiful beats!
There's two threads started under General Poker Chat that people can add on to if they so wish.
An actual board was what I was/am suggesting.
threads tend to die, and i dont think anyone wants to dig it up every time they want to post