So far......
Canada Kev - down 2600
Jer - down 800
Ming - up 150
In side games, I'm up $50. I'm down 4000 in tourney entry fees including 1060 that I gave to Jer. Wynn has 1/2, 2/5, 5/10, 10/20, 25/50 NL games with no cap on buy-ins. I hope to be up over all by the end of the trip. :)
The previous post is from Ming on Kev's computer. By the way, Neil, I lost your hat.
Why did you give Jer money? Is he out or did you buy a piece of his action?
If you bought a piece - did he turn out no good?
im on the way up after scooping 500 in the 2/5 here at ballys. Ming took half my action in the sats.
Now lets play guess the hands.
Hand #1 UTG limps and late position makes it 25 to go (2/5 NL) the puck calls, I call from BB and UTG calls.
Flop is T82 with 2 clubs. I bet out 75, UTG goes 150 and the original raiser calls. I think for a bit and push all in for 394 on top of the 150 raise. they both call. what are the hands??
Hand #2 2 guys limp and I make it 30 from the bb. Both limpers call. flop is 986 with 2 hearts. I check first limper bets 100 other limper calls and i make it 400 to go. Guy who bets 100 goes all in and other guy folds. Is 450 more for me to call. I think for a LONG time and call. What are the hands??
I am playing some of the best poker ive ever played (except for that dirty 100 SNG) and am getting kicked in the sack over and over again. It was so nice to book a good win.
I'll send another hat down w/ teach for ya Ming and for anyone that wants one.
Go do some sack kicking.
In Hand #1 - You have trips , UTG has A high flush draw, and other fucker has over pair QQ?
Hand #1 I have KTo. Guy who goes 150 has K4 (flush draw) and the other guy has middle pair. After a brick brick I win what the dealer said was "The biggest pot he as seen in this game won with one pair". Such a sick hand.
How about #2?
Those last 2 posts were me on Kevs laptop. Does this change what you think I had? I bet it does since I am a very different player.
Yes it does - how are you doing by the way - did you try to satelliete in?
Hand #2 - You have JAcks - other guy has A7 hearts
I am also playing some of the, if not THE, best poker in my life. I have been raping Seneca. Talking the whole time - showing down bluffs and getting paid on my monsters. Several players have asked me if I play professionally. I can not lose right now. I have a hard on and cant wait to get to Vegas and eat the fish up. Last trip to Seneca, i took a 300-1 beat for several hundred and still left way up.
Dont sit at the same table as me when I get there.
This is Ming on Kev's computer. I on the other hand are playing some of my worse poker. Today I lost 1500 in one hand where I knew 100% I was losing. I still call because for some reason I didn't feel like folding. lol. Bring lots of money teach. The games are ridiculus.
I have QQ on hand #2 jackass has QTo. Turn came a 7 to make his straight and river came a 10 to chop the pot. I WILL NOT sit at the same table as you because I will be broke when you get here. Kev and I are running bad but Ming is just playing bad. You will love the hand where he loses 1500.
I almost nail your hand!!!
Hey jer, what day do you leave - do you leave the day I get there??
Ming, will you have a spot in your room?
Jer, do I need a ticket at the airport, if I booked through expedia - I dont have one.
Ming here.
Jer leaves 13th I believe and Jeff leaves on the 12th. You have a spot here. Though on the night of the 12th there will be 4 of us in the room with only 3 beds. Otherwise you are good for room. Kev booked through expedia as well. We didn't need a ticket. We had no problems. If you are worried, just print out the receipt they sent you.
I'm ashamed of the way I played the big hand. In fact I played somewhat like you. :) I even did your "I know I'm losing but I call." routine. lol. Actually it's much much worse.
I want to know. I want to know.
no ticket needed. They will hook you up with boarding passes when you check in. You do NEED you itinerary because there is a number on it you need. Im leaving on the 13th.
When do you get here?
11:00 pm on the 11th.
We have one day together to get the PAstrami.
What time on the 13th do you leave?
I think my flight leaves at noon on the 13th. The pastrami is key.
I booked a 600 win and its about time. I dont know how I could have since Kev ate the same 2/5 game for 3 K!
3 fuckin THOUSAND! 2/5! How long a session?