beanie42 wrote
pkrfce9 wrote
Canadians are soooo apathetic...
Test that theory with the following question: "Did you know your beer SUCKS?" or "Are you American?" - that tends to bring us out of hibernation
On a completely side tangent, the 'ole "Canadian Beer Rules" / "American Beer Sucks" chant is quite quickly going down the crapper. After a trip to Buffalo to stock up on a wide variety of America micro-brews, they REALLY know what's going on down there.
Our biggest problem is that beer distribution up here is run by the government/bigbrewries, so there's no way to get incredible beers to the consumer.
Oh how I wish they'd kill that monopoly so we could import some decent stuff. It's funny how the Beer Store presents itself as if it offers a wide selection of beer, when in reality 80% of it is the same thing... fizzy yellow lagers and pilsners.