Where do I begin?
Kev's continuing his losing ways. At this rate, he'd need a good score at 25/50 NL to breakeven. :)
Jer arrived today with lots of beard and promptly went on a rush. Finishing 6th and 1st in a couple of small tournies. On the way, the man (or boy) demolished no less than three AA with monsters like 82s. lol. He's in another one right now with Kev.
I'm fucking desperately trying (to contract STD) but no luck so far. I need your help, teach! By the way, Jer lost his razor. He's no match for me with a full head of beard.
Saw people playing some strange games. For example they were playing 400/800 B.T. I don't know what B. T. stands for. The game is 4 card triple draw low ball all different suit. So the lowest hand have 4 cards with different suits.
Saw Gus Hansen half (or maybe quarter) naked in Bellagio.
Flirted with a couple of dealers in Bally's.
A newbie who fancies himself a player played the following hand. 5 player limps in in a 2/5 NL game in Bally's. Button makes it 20 to go. Newbie in SB reraises to 60. UTG then moves all-in for 212. Button makes an effort at thinking and then announces he will raise again. This time 450 on top of the 212 of UTG. Newbie then goes into the tank and starts thinking. God knows what he's thinking about. lol. Eventually he called (leaving himself about 150). He then stood up and asked the dealer for a flop with no Ace or King. At this point I can barely stop myself from laughing out loud. When the flop comes all small, the newbie moved all-in which the button calmly called. So their hands were, newbie QQ (LOL), utg KK and button AA. AA held up.
What type of tournies ddi Jer score in - 100 buy ins? How much?
How is Ming doing?
See you boys in a week.
Jer came 6th in a 55 player 100+25 with one rebuy. He netted a few hundred there.
Then he and I played a 100+10 one table sitngo for the regular 500-300-200 payout.
In no suprising fashion, i bubbled, Jer went on to win. He was hitting as Ming mentioned.
One hand he trapped a guy really well tho, it went like this.
Blinds are at 15-25 and a newbie young Swedish girl limps in. Jer makes it 75 to gofrom the cutoff.
The button right behind him makes it 200 to go, everyone dumps back to Jer.
Jer just calls the 125 more and the trap is set.
The flop comes down J62 rainbow and Jer checks to his opponent hoping he'd stab at the pot.
BINGO! The player goes allin for his last 280 chips, Jer actually thinks for a short while before calling.
The hands turn up and the man shows AA, Jer slowrolls his nuts 82s. The river is an 8 and I am one step closer to the bubble.
Atta boy Jer!
The sportbook is too tight for me. I have lost all 3 massive bets Ive made.
Poker ain't going great for me either, but I may now stick to the Bellagio 2-5NL where i am a perfect 2 for 2.
Every other game and tourney Ive been playing, I have been getting eaten.
Just had a nother winning session at Seneca - 1/2 NL. Make 400 USD. But took 3-4 massive beats. I make it $30 to go pre flop - one caller. The flop is 4-4-6. I check. Baffoon makes it 83 all-in. I call. Baffoon has K-9 off. I have KK. Turn 9. River 9. I dont the odds - but I think that is about a 300-1 beat. Worst one Ive been a part off. I also lost nut flush (on the flop) to a rivered boast (247 bucks there) - and nut straight (flopped) to a rivered boat. Aq all in loses to A4, pre flop. If I wasn't runnign soo bad today - i nert about 900-1000. Still I win - I shouldnt complain. See you boys in 6 days.
P.S. - I threw my cards across the table today out of anger for the first time in my life - hit Neil in the forehead.
P.S.S. - Neil has his second winning sesion there in a row as well ($100)
the card hit my shoulder. but it bruised my soul :(
Anyone dancing?
Did Jer qualify into it?
This is Ming on Kev's computer. No one's dancing. We are all close to broke. LOL. Some are closer than others. Teach, we need you to set us right! Jer's down stairs shooting 1/2 NL right now and losing to one beat after another! LOL. The 1/2 game here at the Bally's is just ridiculus. Same goes for the 2/5 at the Bellagio. Shirly (?) let me play with her chips while smoking a cig. I promptly raised K4o in EP and won a big pot. LOL. Then a moron raises utg causing me to fold A5o which would have won another big pot. #$%! Jer's really pissed that he's down. I think the trip has gone ok so far. I lost an 1800 pot yesterday at 5/10 NL to a suck out. Biggest pot I've played so far.
holy god that is bananas!
Ming..don't forget to try and grab me a $1 chip from every place you play at! I'll pay you back. I can't wait to hear more stories!
Hang in for 4 more days - I will be your salvation!
I finally started a rush. I gave Jer 300 bucks that i borrowed to play a 1K super. Since the machine only let me get 600 bucks out and i had a 20 in my pocket, My new bankroll was 300 bucks.
Friday morning 300 bucks. I played some 1-2NL here at Ballys for a few hours and made a few hundred then We head across the street to Bellagio for 2-5NL where my name was on the list for a full few hours. A good session till 6am there netted my 900 after i leave the table eith 1300 in for 400. Walked around a bit Saturday daytime before jumping in the NL games here at Ballys. I buy in for 200 to 1-2NL, waiting for my seat at the only 2-5NL running. When my time came I moved over with about 300 in chips and decided not to top up to 500.
I won a load of pots, a few moves a few terrible players who finally missed sucking out on me and when the game broke at 5am I tipped off a load of chips to everyone around and still cashed out 3500. It was an imporessive mountain of chips. I liked it but didnt get any pictures, was drunk and didnt think of it. Jer made a score in the game too, it seems really good.
Hope we get lucky again tonight so i can continue my comeback, still stuck lots :)
GTA Poker
Hall of...
GTA Poker;291420 wroteHall of...
fu for making me read that
GTA Poker
got you twice T8
GTA Poker;306766 wrotegot you twice T8
think he will?
GTA Poker
yes, yes i do
Why wouldn't he? I did.
T8urmoney;307168 wrotephack
lol.... GTA going for three?
GTA Poker
Comp, can I go back to being HOF mod...would like to get the section cleaned up.
GTA Poker;307183 wroteComp, can I go back to being HOF mod...would like to get the section cleaned up.
sorry, not up to me, I don't have the power, only Scoops does...