RiverRatJosh I am trying to put up an avatar ( a photo in my computer) I direct it to upload from my directory and I have tried GIFs JpEGS and neither work. It says (Directory not writable or some stuff like that) and an error occurs. I do not not have a webhoster to direct my photo to a URL so I am at a loss, any suggesstions??
Graham At this tiime, there isn't the ability to host your picture on our server..this may change however. You can open a free image hosting account and remotely link it from www.photobucket.com ...or, you can email it to me and I'll host it for you..
RiverRatJosh Just opened the account at the free webhosting site. I pasted the URL location in the box here on the forum in the editing page, and I got this error. imagejpeg(): Unable to open '/usr/home/virtual/pokerforum.ca/webroot/htdocs/forum/attachments/avatar_1049.jpeg.tmp' for writing Any ideas It did the same for my Avatar in both Gif and Jpeg format
MickeyHoldem Sloth... Could you link mine for me... http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/1356/mickeyholdem5zo.gif I get the same error!! Thanks --Mike
MickeyHoldem Thanks.... It looks like it just taking the first frame and saving a copy to display.... not really linking to the file... hmmm... looks like I'll work on a new one then!! Hee hee... more of my life wasted on insignificant items... but damn it... it's FUN!!
RiverRatJosh The URL link to my Avatar is pasted below. What can you do with it. I want it to be my Avatar. But the error still occurrs. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/RiverRatJosh/DanielJosh.jpg
RiverRatJosh He made several guest appearances at events that I helped run (Pit crew), in March and April. We have always bumped into eachother over the years dating way back. Not real friends as much as aquaintances. I have been in the Tournament Biz for 5 years now,"Holdem 4 Hire" and being from here our paths cross in poker circles from time to time. One of his Ex Girlfrends, (Evelyn) Used to deal for me at some of my earlier tournaments, before she too, went nut in Vegas............ The both of them went off and lived out a dream......and they did it without either of us (you or me)....... I will however always hold on to that history and be thankful for everything Evelyn and Daniel have done for me and the whole industry here in Canada. It made the game popular enough and gave me a revenue stream with my little side business, and seems that has grown steadily. I owe a little of that luck and success to what Daniel has made the game into over the last few years. Hence I am proud and I pay tribute to that success in my Avatar, and simply show off at the same time....... If you have a need for my services at any time, feel free to call me......The forum has been real kind to my business as well and I appreciate that sicerely. Thanks Josh
Graham great story, thanks for sharring :) "We have always bumped into eachother over the years dating way back" It's 3:45am, I'm tired, I first read that as you guys were a couple at one time. :D "The forum has been real kind to my business as well and I appreciate that sicerely." I love hearing that. Just drop the site name here and there at your events from time to time and I'm a happy man :) Thanks again.
Dan808 sloth wrote "We have always bumped into eachother over the years dating way back" It's 3:45am, I'm tired, I first read that as you guys were a couple at one time. :D now that's funny. i had thought the same thing for a millisecond.
RiverRatJosh Its 9:30am and as I read my post again The "Dating way back" comment does come across as rather gay doens't it, no matter what time of day it is. I will speak for myself on this one..............he gave rather sloppy bl@w J@bs, so I had to ditch him..... :D :D when we had that picture taken, he just finished telling me, as he put his arm around me, that he liked big boys, with big toys.......... well 1 out of 2 aint bad!! I hope this message in complete jest does not start a false rumour mill regarding my orientation. I am as straight as they come........on the scale of straightness, I am so straight...I am like the 10..to the Ace......the nut Straight suited! and I believe Daniels taste in beautifull Asian woman speaks for itself as well. Man I smell a defamation suit!! have fun Josh