Do the photos have to be on the web to post them (basically an img src= html style link) or is there a way you can upload them from your computer into a post?
Oops, that was posted about two weeks ago. I should really do a search first next time. The answer is - No, it has to be a weblink (for now).
yeah, I've looked at the ability to upload (ie not needing them to be hosted somewhere) but it's opening a potential can of worms regarding disk space and bandwidth. I am looking at adding a "member photo album" soon enough though.
In the meantime, photobucket.com is a good place to have an album that lets you remotely link as well.
Thanks for the tip - I will try it. I was actually going to post the little guys that my wife picked up from the KW Humane society on your thread about Simon :)
oooooh boy! Can't wait!.