Summer holiday is almost here, and I need to fill up some time playing poker. The dates below are days I'm available to host. Please post or PM to reserve a seat. As long as we get at least 6 players the game will be good to go. I'm not going to decide on all the game rotations right now, but they will basically be the usual random assortment of Omaha variants, some dealer's choice, and possibly a limit night.
- July 6 - 5 Card Pot Limit Omaha and Pot Limit Omaha 8
1. trigs
2. holychow
3. shankargv
4. g2
5. rtj3333
6. niks1
7. woog30
8. moose311
9. Craig H
1. martinmc13
- July 13 - Big O and Double Board ImPLOcean
1. trigs
2. g2
3. Cameron
4. Eric
5. martinmc13
- July 20 - Dealer's Choice
1. trigs
2. holychow
3. niks1
4. V (T)
5. Cameron
6. Martin
7. woog30
8. Falloon
9. g2
- August 3 - 5 Card Stumpler and Double Board ImPLOcean
1. trigs
2. Justin
3. niks1
4. Ryan
5. Cameron
6. Martin
7. moose311
8. Roger (T)
9. g2
1. Jeff
- August 10 - Gimme Five! 5 Card PLO, Big O, 2 or 5 Omaha with Draw (8 max)
1. trigs
2. niks1
3. martinmc13
4. g2
5. Cameron
6. moose311
7. Graham
8. Roger
- August 17 - Dealer's Choice
1. trigs
2. Justin
3. Cameron
4. Martin
5. niks1
6. g2
7. moose311
8. woog30 (T)
9. GranFodder
1. Jeff
- August 24 - I'm Seeing Double! - Double Board PLO, Double Board PLO8 Best/Best
1. trigs
2. g2
3. woog30
4. Shaan
5. Cam
6. moose311
7. niks1
8. compuease
9. Joe
Location is in Hamilton
$0.50-$0.50 blinds
$100 buy-in with rebuys/add-ons up to 50% of biggest stack
9 seats max
*Multiple straddling starting from UTG is allowed*
*Optional $5 high hand jackpot*
*One bomb pot button will be given to every player to start. They can be used at any time in between hands to make the next hand a bomb pot. Bomb pots will be $5 Double Board PLO. Once you use your bomb pot button, it is removed from the game.*