Looking for a few more players.
50 entry, 20 rebuys, 30 add on. No rake. Contact me at 905-577-1911 for more information if interested.
Star at 12 usually finish around 5 ish.
Blind intervals and payout structure?
We start with 80 chips and stay at 1/2 blinds for the whole rebuy period. Then blinds go up every 12 minutes. we usually end around 5 to 5.5 hours in. We are playing at noon today and we have one more spot so if you are interested in playing or getting more detail reach out to me at 905-577-1911. If you play Matts tournament at Kitchener I am always there (though I missed yesterday).
Is there any rake on this game to pay for pizza or food at your place?
Typically we do not get pizza but we could do something if the crowd wants it. Would prefer not to take out pot but rather those interested kick in 5 bucks each or something as some may not want to participate and we like to be transparent with pay outs.