Hey everyone, Been a bit invisible here and I wanted to catch the group up on everything. The tl;dr; is that I'll be cancelling and will schedule at a later time.
Longer version.. I had mentioned that I took Mongo to the vet the day we cancelled. As it turned out, he was diagnosed with Kidney cancer and we made the tough choice to put him down a few days later, after he stopped eating. It was a rough period for Anabel and I, and it still hurts, but we're managing.
Then during a vacation last week, we found out that my step mom had suddenly passed away, so I've been in Manitoba since helping my dad deal with the fall out. (As an aside.. if you do not have a will, even if you're young, do it now. It will make things on easier for your loved ones) It's been a rough week here and I'll be coming home soon but I don't yet have the spoons to put together MXM at the moment.
Life goes on, things will pass and I imagine we'll plan for a Madness in July. Thanks for understanding everyone.