Hi all. First time posting a tournament here but have held a few at my place.
I'll send you address a couple days before. I'm in South end of Cambridge.
Mystery Bounty NLH
Poker tournament
Laurie's Poker Room
Saturday, April 15
3pm start
$100 buy in
$50 to main prize pool
$50 to bounty prize pool
Room for 30 players. Mystery bounties begin when down to 14 players.
Rebuys allowed in first 3 blind levels
25 min blinds
25000 starting stack
.25/.50 3 game cash table when enuf players
Always Rake Free
BYOB and BYOFood
Thanks! Laurie
11. spots spoken for
12. Sam
13. Karine
14. Tricity
15. CardDead
16. Jeff S.
18. Marty
19. Marcus
20. Sheila
Curious how the mystery bounty works? What's the smallest and the biggest bounties available? Interesting that bounties don't start until 14 left. What are the payouts also?
If I get 30 players then $1500 to prize pool and $1500 to mystery bounty. Main prize pool would pay top 4.
1st - $650
2nd - $450
3rd - $250
4th - $150
The reason I'm starting the bounties at 14 players left is so that we can have larger bounties offered. They will be as low as $50 and the biggest will be $250 with denoms in between. Example 2 x $250, 2 x $200, 3 x 100 and 6 x $50. I've heard of others that do it starting at the beginning and put a bunch of $0 bounties in but I opted not to do that.
Everything will be adjusted based on number of players of course.
Let me know if that makes sense. Hopefully all my math is correct!
Also, all my tournaments and cash games are rake free.
Card Dead
This looks interesting and I can actually make it.
I be in.
I'm still looking for a few more players to run the Mystery Bounty...27-30 needed. If I don't reach the number then I'll still run a tourney but instead of Mystery Bounty I'll do $25 bounties for entire tournament.
Cash game is mixed PLO, NLH and Pineapple.
I'll update here on Friday as to how many players have committed.
Hi all, I'm not getting the numbers needed to run the mystery bounty tournament so I'm changing the tournament to a regular bounty tournament. $100 buy in with $25 bounties for the entire tournament. Rebuys allowed in first 3 levels. Let me know if you're still interested. I will run the tournament with 16+ players. Thanks!
Sorry I'm out, thanks for organizing
I would be interested in playing on Saturday. I will need an address. Thanks.
Me again! The tournament is a go...I have 22 players (I'm sure number will change before tomorrow 😀). Buy in is $100...$25 bounties and $75 towards the prize pool. Rebuys in first 3 levels. Top 3 pay.
3pm tomorrow
Card Dead
This was a great tournament.
Highly recommend.
Thanks Laurie.