I hacked the database and pulled out the data. The season is now in a complete state. Here are the results for Event #1 (there was a chop for 1st and 2nd), and the
2023 Player of the Year document is now accurate!
1st - Dumbfishy ($380) - 44 points
2nd - Pizzle ($190) - 31
3rd - Jojo ($114) - 25
4th - King Mob ($76) - 22
5th - Bigmac (BUBBLE) - 19
6th - Shankargv - 18
7th - Schtebs - 16
8th - JJ Grubster - 15
9th - Scuba - 15
9th - Scuba
10th - Vijay
11th - Captain Optimism
12th - Sandia
13th - Beach2002
14th - Zithal
15th - Praveen
16th - EdTheTed
17th - Shapiro
18th - Viahabv
19th - Thiyagu