Anyone else find since moving to Ontario only 888 is bad? WTF? Limp limp limp limp pre flop! Every pot multi way? Call with any two cards? No 3/4 bets? Call call call! And bad beat after bad beat? Never had any of these issues before… is Ontario just full of bad players? I’d like to think we are world class! We are CANADIANS!! Proud and strong! If you play and the above is true about you, quit poker! You are making us look bad! I mean it’s still profitable to play especially when you can freeroll to 100k tournament in a day but the players that are so bad are making me want to relocate to another site! I really wish there was a chat button so I could find some of these people and sit down for some face to face play so when I walk away with their bank roll I can watch them cry! Anyone else agree or is it just me? UGT range does not contain 10 3 o!