compuease;c-422974 wrotesooooo, update? fyi, I am still in hospital but feeling much better, on some strong multi faceted antibiotic, but despite about a million dollars (US) in testing, no firm resolution. My gut feel is this will disappear and we will be non the wiser.
In for the next one!
Really hope that you get over all of this soon comp.
Very fun night. Not sure exactly how much
@Bfillmaff bought in for overall, but cashed out for over $600 in the end so pretty sure he did okay. Definitely can afford some dog treats.
My (not so) favorite hand was a 4-way all in during the double board PLO round where my KQQJdd was up against three hands of complete garbage :p and I obviously lost both boards. Pretty sure something like 2679 scooped it obviously.