Recently, there's been a few articles about high stakes pros calling out cheaters and complaining how nothing is really being done to them. Here's the most recent article I've read:
There are some players that are now calling for a collective poker blacklist. What do you guys think about this?
Some issues/questions to consider:
- What technically constitutes cheating that would result in a blacklist punishment?
- Who is responsible for judging someone as a cheat? Should there be an official review committee or something along those lines?
- How much evidence is required to prove cheating has taken place?
- How long should a player be blacklisted? Should there be a time limit or should it be forever?
- Should cheating online affect playing live and vice versa?
I do think it is very strange how poker players (more specifically pro players) basically "forgive" known cheaters all the time. I'm under the impression that if any of us caught a cheater in our home game at the very least this person would be banned from all future games, and perhaps at the most they'd be walking with a limp for the rest of their lives.
Basically all other competitions (or sports or whatever) will punish and/or banned cheaters, but in poker it's almost always kept quiet and/or just ignored for some reason.
Some well known pro cheaters who are still welcome to play and still get invites to poker tournaments to this day:
- Chino Reem
- Men Nguyen
- Chris Ferguson/Howard Lederer
- Dan Cates
- Brian Hastings
- Ali Imsirovic
- Jake Schindler