Addicted Thanks I'm in... I registered for the tourney but can you send me your email so I can send you your eTransfer? My email is Thanks!
TheCoordinator Ive had a few questions regarding payouts. They will be as followed, and be individual player based not entry based. up to 8 will be 2 itm (70/30) 9-18 3 itm (50/30/20) 19- 27 4 itm (40/30/20/10) 28-36 5 itm (35/25/18/14/8)
waltsfriend I have registered for the game, and know what I signed up for this time (e-transfer sent).
EdtheTed Locked and loaded! Signed up for tournament (7 so far!) and paid my monies. Come on folks, let's get a couple of tables going!
TheCoordinator We have 9 registered and another 6 who have verbally committed so it should be a good one!
thisORthat Today, the Magic 8-Ball says that there'll bee quads over quads twice and QQ over AA at least once with a Q on the river? And your Super Bowl spread will be off by one miss & the team you're cheering for'll win?
TheCoordinator Reminder to all on the fence, Late Reg is until 2PM. send Buyin to - please include screen name in the message as I wont be the forum the entire time. Club ID. 3287644 Access ID. cambridge123 good luck to all!
MrCaspan Please don't be 'that player', send your money to him now if you plan on being late!! Nothing worse then playing poker and running a tournament dealing with people that decide last min to inconvenience everyone else. Thanks for putting this together!!
torontotablecpt I’m sorry I had to unregister las minute. I am able to register now but it won’t let me. Can you please confirm that coffinnail80 is not enrolled and if you are able to let me back into the club.
torontotablecpt Don’t worry about that caspan. If I’m able to enrol then next step is payment. I’m not gonna send Matt monies if I can’t enter only to have him send it back.
torontotablecpt Thanks for that I see it but when I click the banner it doesn’t let me in. What is the tournament I’d? I’ll give that a shot and if it doesn’t work, I’ll give up.