jcooke When you sign p for GGPoker you get a free 50 dollar entry ticket to the ontario millions series. Field is very soft, I won my day one with a huge stack and went into the final day 8th of 200, everyone in day 2 cashes with a very top-heavy prize pool. Played well but ran bad, ended up 40th for 450 off a free roll. Not too bad. I don't like the GG client but it's a good time to sign up for this freeroll.
thisORthat date got changed to 15th 4pm edited: corrected date edit2: date got postponed until 15th, pic updated
thisORthat You'll likely have better things to do than play freerolls but there is a free $1,000 on-the-line tonight from JokerStars in celebration of the NAPT passwd=PERRY two others coming up in the next few days
thisORthat redacted and moved to "prop bets" thred edit: oopsies wrong thread, meant to put under 'prop bets'
thisORthat >So where do you get a ticket for this? I haven't been on Stars for a long time. I didnt realize t'was a ticketed event. I asked customer service how to get a ticket and they were unable to answer question.