TheCoordinator Doing another tournament this week for anyone who is interested again this week. Had 16 players last week. Club # : 3287644 Access Id: cambridge123 7:20 Start Time!!! 10,000 Starting Stack!!! 10 min blinds Payouts based on Stars charts 20,000 play money buy in even though we are playing for $20. Money can be sent EMT or Stars transfer. PM Me your Stars ID and email if youre gonna play this week so I know where to send money should you win. 12 entries this week. 1st Folded ($120) 2nd Hollywoods ($80) 3rd Woog ($40) EMTs sent.
MrCaspan EdtheTed;c-417990 wroteWhy are we using play money? Why not just a regular tournament? Because PokerStars will charge a rake for playing a cash game. So if you just play for play money you can settle up on the side!
compuease Bfillmaff;c-418004 wroteComp is providing all the infrastructure we need. Now send him $2. I really need that like button for this....
TheCoordinator haha comp this coulf be your primary income! Also i moved the time back this week so late reg ends at 7:30 for those who may cut it close.