kwsteve;417835 wrote
I don't want to sound all doom and gloom. The article explains what's happening. No bullshit.
Let's understand one thing here, I'm not a doom and gloomist nor am I an "it's all popcorn and lollipops" kind of guy. That is a just another opinion among many and while it is well written it is no more accurate than dozens of others. Obviously Trumps, "it will disappear soon" was one extreme and there are other writers who lay it out even worse that this one. However I prefer to believe in our scientists and medical professionals in that they will come up with appropriate remediations, etc sooner rather than later.
Sure it will get worse but we WILL get through it and hopefully this will be a warning that is taken seriously throughout the world.
I also believe we are doing a much better job in general here in Canada social distancing and all. That will get us through this episode and hopefully buy us time to effect a long term solution.
It "may" just be too late for me to see however.... I would like to see my grandkids play some more ball though...