Please reserve this thread for game announcements, results, $$$ tracking, etc. Use the HomeGames thread for all comments..
Members to date:
Stars Name,Forum name - Total 64 members
Compuease, Compuease
d0nkSTRIKER, Bfillmaff
Gogie1, Gogie
DrTyore, DrTyore
MrCaspan, MrCaspan
m_dolens, trigs
ThisOrThat2001, thisORthat
Buzzzarrd, Buzzzarrd
Niks1, Niks
chpmuncher, labeach2002
Mike1141, kwsteve
Woog30, woog30
djgolfcan, djgolfcan
Wolffhound, Wolffhound
Noolaf, Falloon
DataMn, DataMn
freshblake, GetBlaked
RiverYerAss, Card Dead
Chines13, 13Cards
SeekTheGrail, SeekTheGrail
FoldedAA2020, folded
COFFINNAIL80, torontotablecpt
SteinoSteino, Steino
Vduboy123, kwmatt
HeyMrPharmacist,King Mob
Zithal, Zithal
p0cketAz, TheCoordinator
42_Beanie_42, Beanie
Kangax5.2, KangaX5
cula8r, not on forum (friend of kwmatt)
TwoPlusTwo, Reefaquarium
waltsfriend, waltsfriend
sgffssarfw not on forum (brother of kwmatt)
TheSetKing hollywoods17
gambler200c, pokernun
jamie4780, moose311
addicted69, Addicted
ddmilcan49, ddmilcan
Dreamlivin01, Dreamlivin
shopsy1967, Shopsy2
Shark_dog3030 not on forum (friend of hollywoods17)
kaijudoka ??? anyone know who this is?
M.Itsame, ItsaMe
cdnmoose07, Moose
DuelinSuds, DuelinSuds
dallyn23, PapaD23
satyen99, meriden
CCRP337, Rick, neighbour of comp
Young Grimmm, Young Grimm
Barn110 neighbour of Dreamlivin
Toronto Pimp (Mike)
clock_work_girl (Dr Tyore's SO Julianna)
Catwoman144 (chpmunchers wife)
moodeyj2 (Janet) friend of labeach
Hobbes614, Hobbes
bws35 (Bob) Husband of moodeyj
sm1tty94 Brad (son of Moodeyj2)
Lee1O2O3O4O (Kristy's dad)
ShapMan Steve Shapiro
Current Schedule.
Friday 7:30 $5. NL 10 min blinds, 5K chips, 2 rebuys, 20 min late entry and rebuys 60 min, 6 levels
Tourney #2xx, Friday, Mar . 7:30 $5. NL, 10 min blinds, 5K chips, 2 rebuys, late entry 20 min and rebuys 60 min, 6 levels
Currently registered for this game:
Link to tracking spreadsheet, and to a spreadsheet showing how everyone is doing as far as overall points (not $$). Thanks to Gogie for the design and work. If you ever see any errors please let me know asap.
Last Updated Feb 11, 10:20 pm