compuease;c-419995 wroteAfter a few pm's we will set the schedule as follows, leaving a monthly $20. game on the last Saturday of the month.
Sunday 7:30 PLO Doublestack, 10 min blinds, 10K chips, freezout, late entry 20 min, 2 levels
Tuesday 7:30 $5. NL Doublestack, 10 min blinds, 10K chips, 2 rebuys, late entry and rebuys 60 min, 6 levels
Friday 7:30 $5. NL Doublestack, 10 min blinds, 10K chips, freezout, late entry 20 min, 2 levels
Last Saturday of each month, 7:00 $20. NL Doublestack, 15 min blinds, 10K chips, freezout, late entry 30 min, 2 levels
One other qualification I would like to add, you will not qualify to play the Saturday game unless you have played at least 2 games previously that month. This will encourage people to also play the $5. games. If I had a way to award an extra 1K chip to those playing more than say half the games in the month I would but Stars doesn't seem to have that feature. :smiley:
Just a reminder to everyone that the $20 buy-in scheduled for May 29th requires players to have played at least 2 games in May before the 29th (excluding the last $20 buy-in). Most of the runners from the May 2 game have already qualified for the May 29th game but there's still a few who haven't. Lots of time yet to play a couple of games