Thanks to everyone who attended the game last night. 2 tables in the basement seemed to work out well and we finished around 1am with 16 players in the end, 1 no show. Results are below.
Falloon had a rough night busting in just around 1 hour, 3 levels.
G2 was getting some very timely cards and seems to have had the most bust outs but Yulina was a close 2nd. (PS, i have your card cover)
In the end Waltsfriend took the win.
8:30:41 pm 09/07/2019: Jay (falloon) was busted in out by James. 16th
9:48:18 pm 09/07/2019: Laurie was busted out by Yuliana. 15th
9:58:52 pm 09/07/2019: Sam was busted out by Steve. 14th
10:14:21 pm 09/07/2019: Jeff (compuease) was busted out by Greg (g2). 13th
10:39:24 pm 09/07/2019: Jeff S was busted out by Steve S. 12th.
10:39:37 pm 09/07/2019: James was busted out by Yuliana. 11th.
10:59:08 pm 09/07/2019: Dave (torontotablecpt) was busted out by Mike (blankfaces). 10th
11:07:27 pm 09/07/2019: Henry (thisorthat) was busted out by Mark. 9th
11:20:12 pm 09/07/2019: Al was busted out by Sandy. 8th
11:40:49 pm 09/07/2019: Steve was busted out by Yuliana. 7th.
11:59:29 pm 09/07/2019: Mark was busted out by Greg (g2). 6th
12:03:29 am 09/08/2019: Steve S was busted out by Greg (g2). 5th
1:25:54 am 09/08/2019: Yuliana busted out. 4th
1:26:01 am 09/08/2019: Mike (blankfaces) busted out. 3rd.
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Greg (g2) was busted out by Sandy. 2nd
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Tournament ended
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Total pot: $640.00
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Sandy ranked 1st, received $320.00
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Greg (g2) ranked 2nd, received $160.00
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Mike (blankfaces) ranked 3rd, received $100.00
1:26:13 am 09/08/2019: Yuliana ranked 4th, received $60.00
Look for games posted once a month, next one near the beginning of October.