No that wasn't me, either way, I didn't even know it until I read it here. Sorry my phone was dead so there were no more updates until now and I was too sickened by the result anyways.
Got to level 16 at about 10pm Vegas time and this really hurt. I had 317K, 2.5K/5K/5K blinds. I'm on the button with 9,10c, raise to 12K from mid position, 1 caller between, I call as does V in BB, covers us all. So 54k in the middle. Flop comes, 8,J,K, rainbow.
Initial raiser continues with 36K bet, I decide to call and so does BB. so now 162K in the pot, and I have about 280 left, turn 7 hearts. Checked to me and I shove thinking there's enough in there for me and 2 hearts now out there with possible higher str8 draw. BB thinks and calls off 75% of his stack with KQ hearts. F'in 3h on the river and again I am out short of the money by about 40 ppl I think... Win that one and I'm coasting in, I don't think I could call in his spot there, am I wrong?