MrCaspan Looking to put a page together to explains chips. A video to add to it might also be nice! I know @moose you have a really good handle on this. Would you be willing to take the content you have and put it in a page format and maybe I can drop by sometime with a camera and get some footage of you explaining a few things by showing with real chips? It does not have to be all moose but I know he wrote quite a piece that I think should be a page on its own to explains what someone should look for when buying chips!
DataMn The real question is whether seekthegrail or Woog is going to be his Amy Farrah-Fowler for the videos
Toronto Pimp DataMn;412883 wroteThe real question is whether seekthegrail or Woog is going to be his Amy Farrah-Fowler for the videos Sorry Woog I think seekthegrail would look better in those frumpy long dresses and oversized sweaters.
woog30 Toronto Pimp;412892 wroteSorry Woog I think seekthegrail would look better in those frumpy long dresses and oversized sweaters. Agreed, try the look tomorrow Steve.