First of all I would like to publicly thank 2 people who have made it possible for us to get control of pokerforum.
First my business partner and good friend Chris who really doesn't play poker but offered space on his Sunny Oasis hosting company to save me the $85 a month hosting cost, 2nd Steve (MrCaspan) for offering to do the legwork of moving the site and perhaps being able to sort out some of the mess it was left in.
Steve's quote below
Wow this site is a mess :) looks like no clean up was ever done on it. There are multi sites pointing to sites inside other site folders. Im trying to detach each site and look at each site one at a time. Looks like WordPress was once used also. Everything was jut thrown in one folder and not very secure to be honest.
Ill do some digging around and play with the demo site once Chris can get that login info for me again. I have downloaded an complete copy of the site and databases and backed them up just to make sure no matter what happens there is a copy :)
I've seen worse though so no worries should not be hard to transfer.
Did you know there were sub domains and other domains pointed at the site? IE,
Have any of you used either of these sites Steve refers to? Think there is any use for them at this point?
I think I remember checking out years ago but never regularly.
Don't think i've been to either site.
The last post on was Feb 2015