$120 NLH Poker Tournament in Plattsville. Dealer ANTE.
Date: April 27th
Start Time: 4 PM
Buy In: $120 (NO RAKE)
Starting Chips: 25k
Blind Levels : 30 Min
Rebuys: Yes up until the start of level 5.
This event will have the Dealer pay the Ante once the ante levels start.
20 Min Dinner break after level 4 - PIZZA will be brought in (Included in the buy in)
Cash game will start once enough players are busted out. $1-$2 NLH Min buy In $40 - Max $200
30 player MAX.
Please confirm on this thread or email me at
michaeljschaffer@gmail.com to confirm your spot and for directions.
Those who been to this game before, please let others who you may think are interested.
Fennel St in Plattsville.
PARK on MILL ST or at the SCHOOL.
UBER available if needed.
**Please note - even though there may not be a lot of replies on this site, we have regulars who come that do not use this site.