Xiph0id BankItDrew;412270 wroteLooks great. What town or city are you in? I'm in Leduc. Just south of Edmonton.
Old-Sloth Here is my entry into the game of "poker room pRon" [ATTACH=CONFIG]2510[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2511[/ATTACH]
kwmatt Here's one before everybody showed up for my 40 person tournament. Meant to take some pictures of play, but was wallowing in my own shame for being the 3rd guy knocked out of my own tournament.[ATTACH=CONFIG]2512[/ATTACH]ŕ[ATTACH=CONFIG]2512[/ATTACH
kwmatt The_Game;412498 wrotenice. when is your game? Hosting a $100 buy-in Tournament this Saturday May 4th at 1pm. 40 people max. Cash game to follow